Casinos occasionally oust executives at the behest of regulators or during a regulatory investigation.
Locke will stick around, at the behest of First Reserve Chairman and Chief Executive William Macaulay.
Argentina is on the brink, reeling under higher taxes imposed at the behest of the IMF.
Sometimes at the behest of government and sometimes whether government likes it or not.
Increasingly, say the state's boosters, companies come to Delaware at the behest of shareholders, not management.
Either it slows at their behest, or it will collapse of its own accord.
PSi is looking into setting up a factory in China, at a customer's behest.
ECONOMIST: Relocating factories to China is not always a good idea
The decision was Chuan's, but an angry Supachai concluded it was at Tarrin's behest.
They also agreed, at the behest of the main health plan in town, an H.
He does not want to tinker, at the Greens' behest, with his already fragile coalition.
But more recently, presumably at the general's behest, he said they should remain at 130, 000 or so.
It's been handled, teased and even redesigned at the behest of Razer's social legions.
When Saddam Hussein threatened America's oil supplies, the biggest alliance ever seen was put together at America's behest.
Instead, at Luteijn's behest, Lewis says he borrowed from Merrill to pay for the options and a new home.
At the Fund's behest, international experts are advising on banking and electricity reforms.
Ms. FERNANDES: Well, it's being put out by recruiting companies, but at the behest of U.S. companies who are hiring.
The Marine Corps began this study at the behest of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Service (DACOWITS).
Last month, a court ordered her to leave her apartment, at the behest of neighbours who feared for their own safety.
By then an international conference had been held (in 1898) at the behest of Italy to seek help in fighting anarchism.
At the king's behest, Mr Rawabdeh promised to reform the administration, fight corruption and press on with Jordan's long-delayed privatisation drive.
It favours additional regulation (which is no less harmful for coming, in the first instance, at firms', rather than governments', behest).
Two of the arrested Chechens, Musa Vakhayev and Kazbek Dukuzov, are accused of carrying out the killing at Mr. Nukhaev's behest.
The U.N. has an office of internal oversight, set up at U.S. behest as part of a push for U.N. reform in the mid-1990s.
At Kraft's behest the team had compiled a database of stats for every position in the NFL going back 25 years.
They also require that they do this using a particular technology, mandated by Europe's regulators at the behest of the European Commission.
It was incorporated as an Illinois not-for-profit corporation in 1963 at the behest of the ABA, which is a tax-exempt business league.
Yet, despite these gains, renewable energy standards are under attack in numerous states, often at the behest of fossil fuel interest groups.
FORBES: Protecting Renewable Portfolio Standards from Cynical Attacks
IMF's behest, have limited their fiscal flexibility by introducing clear budget rules.
And they are doing so not so much as a favor to the people, but mainly at the behest of financial markets.
Jordan and Egypt, both at America's behest, apparently armed and trained them.