This was a hugely embarrassing episode for the bank that made plain for all to see how its behind-the-scene dealings were rife with undisclosed conflicts of interest.
So someone would not see a cloaked object but rather the scene behind it - however, the reflections from the cloak would make that scene appear somewhat darkened.
For another thief in Chicago, who accidentally left his phone ( as well as his jacket and shoes) behind at the scene of his liquor-stealing crime, his automatic sign-in to his Facebook account from his phone was part of his undoing.
Behind him, a clean-cut middle aged man in a black suit stood surveying the scene in the park, taking swigs from a from a bottle of orange soda, frowning.
The Associated Press examined the footage to verify its authenticity, cross-referencing images from the scene, aerial shots, the location of a car behind the alleged attacker and the appearance of a body and a car in the background.