• His seminal study of consumption behavior and preferences, conducted earlier this year in greater Beijing, showed that children's preferences determined 69% of the family's overall spending.


  • For now, there are no plans for the children to leave Beijing.

    CNN: Year later: New beginning for survivors

  • Reports circulated online this week that Zhang Yimou, director of "The Flowers of War" starring Christian Bale and also known as the architect of the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics, has seven children from his two marriages and from relationships with two other women.

    NPR: China Investigates Director Alleged To Have 7 Kids

  • On January 1st police in Beijing detained five parents of sickened children for several hours, apparently to stop them holding a press conference to complain about compensation arrangements.

    ECONOMIST: Dissent in China

  • Yang's boss Tang Shubei could make his own visit in February, accompanying a children's chorus from Beijing.

    CNN: Money for Influence?

  • Yet Beijing's leaders are not little children.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Southern Metropolis Daily raises concerns over social inequality and nepotism following a study by Beijing's Tsinghua University on the children of officials earning salaries in their first job that are 15% higher than those of their less privileged peers.

    BBC: China media: Cyber espionage

  • But all 300 of them have one thing in common: they are children of migrant workers who have come to Beijing in search of a better life.

    ECONOMIST: China��s schools for non-children

  • In a 2010 study of 120 children ages 7, 9 and 11, researchers at Beijing Normal University in China found kids increasingly told altruistic lies to avoid hurting others' feelings.

    WSJ: How to Handle Little Liars

  • Chu Zhaohui, of the Ministry of Education's Central Institute for Educational Research, says Beijing could afford to accommodate all of its more than 400, 000 migrant children, some 40, 000 of whom have little choice but to use unlicensed schools.

    ECONOMIST: A new way to make migrants feel unwelcome

  • "Since his Beijing victory, five more boxing clubs have sprung up and around 5, 000 children have taken up the sport, " says his father, Mahipal Singh.

    BBC: Why India's boxers pack a punch at London 2012

  • Until 1996 state-run schools took only those children with local residence permits, which migrants, regardless of how long they stay in Beijing or how much they contribute to the local economy, can seldom obtain.

    ECONOMIST: China��s schools for non-children

  • By the Qing dynasty (1644 to1912), many Huizhou men had consolidated their capital to open a string of pawnshops in major cities such as Beijing, and they funnelled their profits home to fund the construction of lavish residences for their wives and children.

    BBC: Rural adventures in China��s backcountry

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