The award - body image and the relationship to well-being - will cover topics such as body image in the media, self-esteem, diet and exercise and aims to help young people aged 11 to 14 build a more positive body image.
For the next 17 months, the scientists tracked various metrics of emotional well-being, such as heart-rate variability and levels of stress hormone.
WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on Buildings, Health and Creativity | Head Case
As well as being more profitable than mid-range brands such as Ellen Tracy, their sales have been growing by 20-30%.
He suggested that money previously used for equipment and accommodation were being diverted elsewhere - such as public services - to the detriment of personnel.
Another cause of the condition is the perception of a non-dangerous event -- such as turbulence or normal sounds that planes make -- as being an actual threat to one's safety.
What sets them apart is their ability to think outside of Japanese industry's tried and not-so-true practices, and embrace such ideas such as shareholder value and being customer-driven - the management buzzwords in thriving companies worldwide.
One in three entry-level jobs are being taken by graduates who have already worked for a company - such as in work placements.
The findings could have promising implications for diseases that involve a neurogenesis deficit -- in other words, a lack of new brain cells being born -- which happens in conditions such as depression, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, the authors said.
The FSA has said its motivation for introducing the changes is to stop policies - such as private pensions and investments - being mis-sold by sales staff on commission.
Given these advantages, copper-based products, such as IV poles and light-switch covers, are increasingly being made to prevent the spread of disease in hospitals and other institutions.
One in two people online in Europe has asked someone out on a date via e-mail and excuses such as 'I lost your e-mail' are increasingly being used to avoid unwanted attentions.
Robinson argued that new money flows -- such as the "bridge loan" being contemplated by the G-7 through the multilateral Bank for International Settlements -- under current circumstances would represent "a bridge to nowhere" and end up costing Western taxpayers dearly.
Housing Minister Grant Shapps said Mr Cameron was simply "opening up the debate" and any changes - such as to the rule about being able to assign social housing to a second generation - would not affect any existing council or housing association tenants.
BBC: Social tenants in England to get wider home swap choice
Girls generally wanted to copy the way their teachers behaved - such as being kind to others.
The idea being to keep those sports--such as luge and bobsledding--within existing facilities rather than keep building for them around the globe.
Yet even AK's biggest fans worry that the legitimacy of the Ergenekon case is being dented by heavy-handed tactics such as the arrests of Mr Sik and Mr Sener.
Republicans accused Democrats of trying to stir up political trouble over the cuts, which they promised would not affect FEMA's ability to respond to natural disasters, in part, because the money is being diverted to other agencies -- such as the Forest Service -- to be spent on disaster response.
We may look at a robot as being incredibly adultlike and smart: Machines such as IBM's chess-playing Deep Blue and "Jeopardy!"
And while Facebook prides itself on being able to offer marketers targeted ads - such as 24- to 35-year-olds in Essex interested in motorbikes - she said there was a much simpler proposition behind its mobile advertising proposition.
The young inventor envisages PaveGen systems being used to power off-grid appliances such as public lighting, illuminated street maps and advertising, and to be installed in areas of dense human traffic such as city centers, underground stations and school corridors.
CNN: Green sidewalk makes electricity -- one footstep at a time
The performance and safety materials division supplies high-performance chemicals and materials that cater to a wide range of industries, examples being performance polymers such Nylon, and high-strength materials used for safety materials, such as DuPontTM Kevlar, Nomex and Tyvek.
Sony's slowness at warning customers is particularly damaging because it comes just as new versions of high-profile games such as Mortal Kombat and Portal 2 are being released for both the PlayStation and its rival, Microsoft's Xbox 360.
ECONOMIST: Corporate computing: Online reputations in the dirt | The
"They are being hammered by low-cost smartphones in countries such as China, " he said.
Already plans are being drawn up as to how such a break-up could be "managed".
BBC: Dinner in Brussels - jobs, growth and break-up on the menu
Since then referendums have been held, or are being sought, on such varied topics as waste-disposal methods, public-works projects and American military bases.
To drum up interest among TV and Web viewers, cable carriers and digital providers are being offered extras such as cast interviews, behind-the-scenes footage and clips with directorial commentary.
WSJ: Independent Movie 'Black Rock' Covers the Bases With Its Debut
Many airlines have been providing alternative ways to get home - such as coaches - but for those further from home hotel rooms and food are being provided as they wait.
The site has seen a huge growth in users since being re-designed in 2007, with events such as the outbreak of swine flu in 2009 bringing a new wave of users.
Taylor and his team envisage their tiny serpent-like bots being used in areas such as throat operations, where they can bend easily and be used to make incisions and tie sutures with incredible dexterity and precision.
Housing minister Grant Shapps said Mr Cameron was simply "opening up the debate" and any changes - such as preventing homes from being transferred to a second generation - would not affect any existing council or housing association tenants.