• Mr Brough said a patient would have to be fully informed of the risk they were taking in having an operation - particularly since the condition being treated was not in itself life-threatening.

    BBC: Transplanting the male organ

  • The museum's facade was being restored - in itself perhaps a reflection of the fact that the oil wealth which has funded a new era of exploration is also helping to fill the coffers of cultural institutions.

    BBC: Moscow Diary: The icy frontier

  • Beyond the 60-second TV spot, the game itself is being played in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans.

    WSJ: German Luxury Car Makers Target Young

  • "Coke earns 80% of its money outside of the United States, " he said, and concluded that Berkshire Hathaway (nyse: BRKA - news - people ) itself could end up being more than half outside America in the next 30 to 40 years.

    FORBES: Europe Is Buffett's Smorgasbord

  • The manner in which the Court itself came into being is illuminating -- and worrisome: In the end, American objections to the Treaty of Rome were simply voted down, 120-7 vote with 21 abstentions.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • However, the injury-prone Serb said being fully fit was enough in itself to leave her feeling positive.

    BBC: Australian Open: Seventh seed Jelena Jankovic falls

  • Now those tools are being used on the start-up industry itself to close deals in a matter days.

    FORBES: AngelList Takes Angel Investing To Warp Speed

  • This arrangement unfortunately obscured the mechanism by which the West might truly have invested itself in the region's well-being.


  • Like networking hotshot Ascend Communications, Iomega finds itself in the unenviable position of being a billion-dollar company--without the infrastructure of a billion-dollar company. (Click here to read about Ascend's woes.) The result?

    FORBES: Growing up

  • It was as if the world had folded in on itself all-powerful television reduced to being a lowly portal to social media.

    WSJ: Is Twitter Really Worth $10 Billion?

  • In the 1960s to 1980s, IBM prided itself on being family-oriented.

    FORBES: Mourning The IBM Country Club And End Of The Corporate Family

  • Apple in fact needs to being painting a picture of itself as the post-device company, as Google might well do with Project Glass.

    FORBES: Apple's Problem Is America's Problem is Apple's Problem

  • This, in a region that prides itself on being the most politically astute on the continent - and where the people always answer back.

    BBC: African viewpoint: Coups, a West African disease?

  • He talked about a diverse student body being educational in itself, but that sort of wishful thinking supports the notion that self-esteem is more important than physics.

    CNN: Talking Race With The President

  • He talked of the eurozone "tearing itself apart" in a crisis that shows little sign of being resolved - because, unlike the UK and US, they have not confronted the solvency problems at the heart of the crisis head-on.

    BBC: Sir Mervyn, the UK and the euro

  • Now the WHO has taken the initiative with its Intervention Guide, in which the organisation's own classification of brain disorders itself in the process of being revised to make it simpler for non-specialists to use has been distilled into 100 pages of easy-to-follow flowcharts.

    ECONOMIST: Psychiatric diagnosis

  • For that matter, it is not unreasonable to anticipate that communities in the United States itself, tired of the inconvenience of being neighbors to live-fire ranges or simply lusting after the valuable real estate currently reserved for the military's use, will want equal treatment with the Puerto Ricans.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • In the case of Apple, the decision as to what to do with its cash is tied up with a broader discussion about whether the company is transforming itself from being a growth stock - a highly innovative firm that reinvests its profits in expansion and new products - into a mature company with a stable business that pays a regular dividend.

    BBC: Tim Cook

  • Nufarm itself only barely avoided being acquired in 2007 in a joint bid by an American private-equity firm and a Chinese state-owned company.

    ECONOMIST: No matter how bad things get, people still need to eat

  • Though maximizing shareholder returns isn't a bad goal in itself, focusing on that at the expense of customer satisfaction, employee well-being or environmental considerations can be dangerous.

    WSJ: Some B-Schools Step Up Efforts to Tie Ethics to Business Programs

  • Butter, meat and even soap are rationed all over the country -- an astonishing indictment of the deplorable living standards in a nation that prides itself on being a global superpower.


  • The Celtic Manor was accused of distancing itself from Newport in the 2010 Ryder Cup build-up, as it advertised itself as Usk Valley and being an hour and a half from London.

    BBC: Europe reign after the storm

  • The ranch also prides itself on being the only place where you can find a high-diving aqua mule act in which the animals dive off a 24ft-high platform into six feet of water.

    BBC: Touring the American Southwest in a cowboy��s boots

  • The plain fact that the London riots are being perpetrated by a non-Muslim demographic would not of itself preclude media outlets on the right, especially those in Europe, from immigrant-baiting and engaging in anti-jihad jeremiads.

    FORBES: The London Riots and the (Non) Reaction of the Conservative Press

  • In this market, the most likely outcome for any successful search start-up is being bought, likely by Google itself, says Gartner Research analyst Andrew Frank.

    FORBES: Life On Web's Edge

  • The profundity of this technological revolution is that in an age when our material needs (at least in rich countries) are largely met, the commodity that stands out as being most scarce is life-span itself.

    ECONOMIST: Praise the baud | The

  • Of course, beyond impressing friends with the predictions, the algorithm has direct implications for the likes of Twitter itself -- being able to sell ads against trending topics could benefit the social media company enormously in its ongoing quest to monetize.

    ENGADGET: MIT prof and student discover algorithm for predicting trending Twitter topics

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