And without hesitation, Judge Mukasey said, you never have to apologize for being a human being in this court.
Sure, there's a primal response to seeing something go up in flames, but it has about as much to do with the day-to-day ordeal of being a human being as that uncomfortable feeling you get when you have to pee and there's no toilet nearby.
They look at your work, your life work, who you are as a human being and the spirit of who you are as a human being.
But there was no chance now of hearing music from the train or being able to make out a human being.
The trick seems to be, as Winn Scotch says, toeing the line between being a professional writer and a human being.
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Unsurprisingly, laws in California are tougher, disallowing robocalls from being put through to a caller until a live human being first asks if the call is acceptable, but there is no clear way to file a complaint to the state when the law is broken (which it invariably is).
It's about being a fully paid up member of the human race before being a fully paid up member of the Labour Party.
Boisselier, a French biochemist, said she hopes to clone a human being within a year.
People keep forgetting that everybody's a human being, and human beings react the same way emotionally, okay?
One in 2005 after watching a "commercial with two kids controlling a human being with a remote".
Tilikum has spent more than a quarter of a century swimming in circles, in a space that critics say would be equivalent to keeping a human being in a bathtub.
"They're a test that relies on a human being to read a slide" and interpret what they see, Bowers says.
One comes away from Mr. Rosengren's biography with a firm notion of Hank Greenberg as a decent human being, a man of integrity and honor, what Jews call a mensch.
"All I can say is he's a great legislator, he's a great human being, a person who always has that sense of humor, and that will pull him through, between you and me, " said Republican Sen.
We are sick and tired of being seen as a stereotype and not as a full human being.
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Meanwhile, Colorado voters were projected to reject an anti-abortion amendment that would have defined a "person" as "every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being, " according to a CNN analysis of exit poll data.
" He admits to being "agnostic" on the question of whether the embryo "is a human being equal to your grandchildren.
While logic allows you to be a functional human being, having a firm grasp of what is illogical will be what allows you to profit consistently.
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"Part of having your journalists on these platforms is giving them the freedom to be a normal human being, not a robot, a PR machine or a slave to the wire, " he blogged.
The controversy is being treated as The Last Act of a formerly perfect human being.
Lafreniere said he could not understand what person could watch a human being getting decapitated in front of a camera.
Hurtling down a mountain on skis is the fastest a human being can travel on land without a mechanical aid.
Notably, there was no word on whether or not the phone was saved, or more importantly, whether or not the presumably urgent SMS ever got sent -- but considering this is the second case in a matter of days in which a human being nearly lost their life to a cellphone, we beg you: text responsibly, dear friends.
ENGADGET: Woman plummets onto subway tracks while carelessly texting
Ms. Kraemer is a human being and reacted as we would expect any decent human to react.
Combine his personal success as a parent, a citizen and a human being with his on-court success and it is a recipe for marketing stardom.
This is the beauty of animation: it allows a cerebral joke to expand through, say, exaggerated facial expressions that a human being might not be able to perform, or have a character in a setting not normally available in real life (when was the last time you traveled to a liger breeding facility?).
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"People should look at Gates as someone who has been successful as a total human being, not just as a businessman, " says Alexandra Levit, a career consultant and author of How'd You Score That Gig?
The German Bishops' Conference, part of the Catholic Church, called the ruling a "victory for human dignity, " and said it strengthened its view that a human being begins life at the moment of conception.
This experiment would have been unthinkable just a few years ago, when sequencing a human being was so expensive that all the people whose DNA had been read out could fit in a small room.
"We ask for forgiveness that for nearly 50 years we didn't find a way of reaching out to you from human being to human being, " he said at a ceremony in the western German city of Stolberg, where the firm is based.