But for years Mr. Starck couldn't shake off the feeling of being an outsider.
His feelings of being an outsider -- remarked on by many biographers over the years -- are never far away.
Dent stuck with his familiar theme of Driscoll being an outsider, pointing to his lack of funding from Valley voters.
Noor has been variously criticized for being an outsider, a jet-setter or a Western woman crusading in a conservative culture.
But voter David Quimby said being an outsider has its downside, too.
At the same time, being an undeniable outsider gave me a distinct advantage: People noticed me.
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But being an "outsider" brings plenty of problems, Mr Bhusari says - not least, access to cash at a time when banks and investors are cautious about backing any small firms, never mind foreign-owned ones.
So he has every right to speak his mind on the oil sands, or anything else Canadian, without being branded as an outsider.
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Tchen was a college student in Wisconsin in the late 1960s where he endured anti-Asian slurs on campus, so he's intimately familiar with the Asian-American experience of being seen as an outsider.
Which means someone has got hold of both a username and password of an account holder, and been able to circumnavigate the security that prevents an outsider being able to change such details.
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Tracy is an outsider who dreams of being with the In crowd, and innocent enough to believe she'll get her chance.
One of the founders of Wired magazine, he has hung around Google for so long that he has come to be as close as any outsider can to actually being an insider.
Mr. Greenberg is an outsider by virtue of not being a psychiatrist but an insider by virtue of serving as one of the investigators involved in field-testing some proposed diagnoses on actual patients.
But Quentin Hardy and I suspect an outsider, perhaps even a hired gun, who is being fed gossip from a high-level source.
This incident reflects not just that teen Romney being a jerk, but that he was using his in-group status to pick on an outsider has adult Romney reflected on that?