Then a police spokesman said that following inquiries, it was no longer being treated as such, but rather as a shooting.
No wonder then that the victory of Cadel Evans in the Tour de France is being treated as such a major national event.
This part of the bill caused it to be delayed after an opposition challenge in the Lords to stop media magnates such as Rupert Murdoch being able to buy broadcasters such as Five, formerly Channel 5.
Previously it had been thought that problems such as snoring were probably due to factors such as being overweight, or sleeping in the wrong position.
That may change, though, as new products being developed by such companies as Vitrue make their way into daylight.
As for crime, new measures are being tried, such as putting more police into the worst spots, and concentrating on certain types of crime.
But that is no longer the case, as Google is being eclipsed by upstarts such as Facebook and GroupOn.
For the next 17 months, the scientists tracked various metrics of emotional well-being, such as heart-rate variability and levels of stress hormone.
WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on Buildings, Health and Creativity | Head Case
More respectable offshore centres, such as the Channel Islands, resent being lumped together with laxer places such as Nauru and the Cook Islands.
ECONOMIST: A worldwide attempt to stop finance for terrorists
But they cannot enjoy their freedoms if elementary ones, such as freedom from fear, are being taken away by other people, such as criminals.
During her tenure at Google, Mayer's been described as being a key influencer on products such as Gmail, Google Maps and Google's minimalist search page.
Glickman, who visited the drought-stricken region earlier this week, criticized the 1996 farm bill as being inadequate for dealing with situations such as those faced by North Texas farmers and ranchers.
CNN: U.S. pledges help for Texas farmers hit by record drought
The dynamics of health care would change from being geared toward third parties, such as HMOs, to being geared toward the individual consumer.
It can be a two-way relationship with the car, as it contacts the rightful owner if it detects a problem such as being broken into or driven away.
Many of the actions currently classified as contempt such as a lawyer being absent from court should be referred to the Disciplinary Board (headed by a sitting High Court judge), says Council member Mah.
Wind turbines get bigger and more efficient, with 3-4 MW turbines becoming commonplace, offshore turbines as large as 7 MWs in trials, and larger machines being considered (this is largely being driven by companies such as Vestas, GE and Siemens).
FORBES: Clean Energy Innovation: An Unstoppable and Volatile Force
Mathisson argued that there are advantages to being exchanges, such as getting revenue from the consolidated tape.
Within the categories that are being cut, such as defense, the percentage reduction is as high as 7.8 percent.
FORBES: Sequester and the Economic Forecast: Not Much Impact
Some noteworthy ideas are already being explored, such as multilateral guarantees for Indonesian letters of credit to keep trade going.
We may look at a robot as being incredibly adultlike and smart: Machines such as IBM's chess-playing Deep Blue and "Jeopardy!"
Now edgier parts of the borough are being celebrated, such as Fort Green (Spike Lee's home town), Dumbo (Down Underneath Manhattan Bridge Overpass) and Clinton Hill.
To drum up interest among TV and Web viewers, cable carriers and digital providers are being offered extras such as cast interviews, behind-the-scenes footage and clips with directorial commentary.
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As well as being the first such center set up by the French-based global bank in its home city, it is also the first devoted to the specific business model of hedge funds and their management structure.
Facebook needs to make itself more relevant to the world of mobile communication if it wants to continue being profitable, and as such it must chase after new trends in mobile communication pioneered by other popular services.
Of course there are the common questions being asked, such as whether or not these pieces qualify as art and whether it's ok to replace the craftsmen with machines (you know, the same questions people ask every time a new "art" technology comes out).
The LACS has listed numerous cases of hunt monitors being attacked, such as Christopher Marles, who was convicted of deliberately using his horse to knock a hunt monitor to the ground, and gamekeeper Richard Clarke, who was found guilty of assault and threatening behaviour.
As well as being more profitable than mid-range brands such as Ellen Tracy, their sales have been growing by 20-30%.
Still, Russia sees the EU as a competitor in its sphere of influence and reacts fiercely to any interference, such as Belarus being told that recognising South Ossetia and Abkhazia would hurt its prospects with the EU. That the summit was followed by a conference on Nabucco, a gas pipeline meant to bypass Russia in the south, was just another irritation.
This change in buying habits will be swift as our mass consciousness is being rapidly influenced by the game changers such as social media and the Groupons of the world.
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Somehow, it already feels as if that casual posture is being undersold when cast in such a traditional material as bronze.