Tim Belay story's fails to mention that those detained and deported are undocumented, illegal workers.
NPR: Letters: ICE Raid in Iowa; 'Hockey Night' Song
My rope caught me after a few feet the first time I was sure my self-belay system actually worked.
WSJ: Training for the Big Wall | By Michael J. Ybarra
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Netsanet Belay.
CNN: Opinion: Sudan must end 'cruel' amputation punishment
We were several pitches up the chimney, no wider than my shoulders in places, and there was no safe spot to put the belay.
WSJ: Amid the Perils of Patagonia
At the top of each pitch, he pulled up the slack in the rope, fixed it to the anchor and started climbing again, while I used mechanical ascenders to get to the station and put him on belay as fast as I could.
WSJ: El Capitan's Nose in a Day | By Michael J. Ybarra