This event is important to me not only because I love and believe in this film, but also because I deeply love and believe in all of you.
WHITEHOUSE: Interactive Film Workshop for Students: Beasts of the Southern Wild | The White House
Two in three of those who love Halloween believe in ghosts, 33% claim to have actually seen a ghost, and 28% believe people can really put a curse on someone that works, says DDB Worldwide.
Ms. JENNIFER CLARK (Los Angeles): The fact that all the youth come together to pray and to go to mass shows that we're in support of what the church does and that we truly do love the Catholic Church and believe in what the Catholic Church teaches.
' You can say, 'I still believe in my principles, but I love you.
They believe in something and they want to find love, just like everyone else.
They believe in all that bumph like good and evil, love and hate, the worth of it all, having a harmless good time, and not particularly giving a damn about their own particular social standing.
"Or, " she speculates, "maybe they don't really believe there is an afterlife, " in which case they include actors as a nod to their love of theater, not because they believe they will need entertaining.
Some ways of falling in love seem like insanity and that I believe is why the ancient Greeks regarded the experience as being 'possessed' by Aphrodite.
She has done -- she's run a -- we're running a competitive race, but it's because we both love this country, and we believe deeply in the issues that are at stake.
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd love to sell you.
We believe in building a cohesive society, where Britishness means inspiring people with a love of country, not bullying them with instructions to integrate, or insulting them with cheap 'flags-on-the-lawn' gimmicks.
That's why making robotics accessible and affordable is so important, and why I believe we're finally poised to build the robots that we fell in love with in sci-fi movies decades ago.
You have to believe, and you have to love the product you want to produce in a way that is very much like a mother loves her child, and you have to believe you can do it better than just about anyone.
Maybe I'm filled with the milk of human kindness, or perhaps I have a soft spot for supermodels--I'm a gay man, so I have at least one soft spot for supermodels--but I actually believe that it's possible for a beautiful, young woman to fall in love with an obscenely wealthy older man.
Given the love in the room, and the love in the new iOS app, I think that Mayer and the Flickr team believe it can be that site again.
FORBES: The Talismanic Power of Flickr For Yahoo And The Web
"I have come to believe that if two people are prepared to make a lifetime commitment to love and care for each other in good times and in bad, the government shouldn't deny them the opportunity to get married, " he wrote in an op-ed in The Columbus Dispatch.
Sure, it may last as long as the next headline, but we deeply hope love stays the course for her, because we want to believe that our own dreams will result in triumph over disappointment.
Believe it or not, when Barack and I first started out, building our lives together -- so in love -- (laughter) -- still are -- (laughter and applause) -- our combined student loan debt was actually higher than our mortgage.