The Russian state, in its benevolence, granted the defense attorney the time he requested this week.
The foregone output from people standing in line and waiting is one of the costs of our benevolence.
But it is not journalistic benevolence that has driven Rupert Murdoch, any more than it motivated Kerry Packer.
Included are security through strength, prosperity through free market enterprise, innovation through motivational incentive, and benevolence through tough love.
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Downsizing and corporate restructuring hit hard at the enlightened benevolence of weak firms.
The Sohbet meetings fulfil an important educational function by transferring ethical values such as social justice, tolerance, benevolence and respect.
In the short, a young Parisian cyclist whom Sylvain rescues from a flat tire ends up a victim of his romantic benevolence.
Not every entrepreneurial story is a classic tale of success and benevolence.
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Unfortunately for Pompey, their 39-year-old England stopper carried such benevolence into his performance and gifted the visitors the lead in the 32nd minute.
In some cases, that might be so, but in general (as Smith also noted) one should be wary of businessmen proclaiming their benevolence.
Similarly, device manufacturers will also need to adjust their models to a hybrid world of consumer agency and the tempered benevolence of corporate IT.
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Benevolence International describes itself in its brochures as a humanitarian organisation dedicated to helping victims of wars and natural disasters in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
First, the NHS is uniquely precious to British voters, Clegg allies note: no other institution can match its status as a totem of state benevolence.
Greece contends, implausibly, that it requires no additional loans from the euro zone, yet at the very least it needs the benevolence of the ECB.
In the land of Homer national debt will reach 120% of GDP this year and the government has been obliged to roll back the state benevolence.
He contacted the Benevolence International Foundation, a nonprofit in Chicago that sent money to Muslims overseas, and a foundation representative periodically visited Knoxville to pick up contributions.
Yet much of this demand is fuelled by the belief that because we come from financially wealthier countries, we have the right, or the obligation, to bestow our benevolence on people.
There must be room in Objectivism for charity and benevolence.
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Maybe so, those advocates might reply, but perhaps the system would work even better if there were a bit more benevolence in the boardroom and a bit less self-interest.
My recent research on inter-organizational trust showed a marked absence of ethics literature referenced in marketing, strategic business and economics literature which is ironic since benevolence is a core component of trust!
This is an easy doctrine to apply to other nations, as it is to apply to other people, since we can always see how professions of benevolence might be masks for self-interest.
Despite its considerable diamond wealth, which might have spawned a corrupt and abusive elite, Botswana became a rare success in Africa, assisted by the benevolence of its leaders and by having a tiny population.
Perhaps it is not from the benevolence of politicians, school administrators and teachers unions that we ought to expect our children to become better educated, but from the self-interest of entrepreneurs in a competitive education market.
No surprise then that the virtue of generosity or benevolence, though it has pride of place in the work of Aristotle--the only philosopher to whom Rand acknowledges any intellectual debt-- occupies a second-class status in her own work.
If possible, benevolence should be anonymous.
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When Adam Smith pointed out that, if people want dinner, they look not to the benevolence of the butcher, brewer or baker, but to their regard for their own interest, his aim was not to portray social interaction as mean and narrow.