The Port Authority Police Benevolent Association on Monday denied that its officers' rescue efforts were unsafe.
During McDermott's last eight years, he was the union delegate for the Patrolman's Benevolent Association.
Wednesday's premiere was held to raise money for the Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund.
In a statement the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution said the warning was being taken "very seriously".
In part, this is because the Western powers have been more benevolent than the Russians were.
Preserved toy receipts suggest a benevolent and sympathetic approach from the Hospital itself.
But Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said the judge's ruling was the right one.
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Association has helped 10, 000 families who have found themselves in dire domestic hardship.
London's bid for the Olympics played up the benevolent legacy that they would leave in their wake.
Like a benevolent Ursula the Sea Witch, the Global Good Challenge is most interested in getting your voice.
This linguistically and culturally distinct community set up their own churches, schools, benevolent societies and mutual assistance lodges.
Inevitably the benevolent creatures inside are smarter, kinder, and wiser than the torch -bearing townspeople calling for their destruction.
All funds were given to the Isle of Man Agricultural Benevolent Trust (IOMABT).
They want to solve specific problems in a specific way (rather than just earmark money for some vaguely benevolent purpose).
Although it also upholds the consensus principle, it is more top down, with Mr Berners-Lee acting as a benevolent dictator.
If the aim is genuinely to make a fairer society, not to merely impose benevolent condescension, it's a necessary step.
However, computer-security companies (which, of course, have a vested interest) warn that even apparently benevolent worms are not all good.
Your point on the distribution of wealth is well taken however, we seem to have fewer statesmen and benevolent business leaders.
Whether such figures will do anything to make the French less attached to their idea of a benevolent state is questionable.
He had also been involved in charity work for organisations including the Army Benevolent Fund and the Stars Organisation for Spastics.
For all the pain of Iraq and Afghanistan, most Britons still think of their country as a robust and benevolent global force.
One reason is that low prices help governments present a picture of being benevolent, especially in countries facing high poverty rates.
But, in general, Lord Grantham is a faithful, intelligent, decent and benevolent.
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With John Malkovich as an impersonally benevolent Presbyterian minister who helps Christine.
The NMC heard Mrs Cooper abused residents at the home, run by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI), between October and November 2009.
Galileo was happy enough to go on doing research under the generally benevolent umbrella of the Church if only it would let him.
Then they can sign up for the full product coverage under Obamacare, taking advantage of the compassionate, benevolent, guaranteed issue and community rating.
But like any good privacy paranoiac, Kilpatrick can easily imagine how the face-tracking software he sells can be used for less benevolent purposes.
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Dying in 1926, Gertrude Bell left behind a benevolent and effective Iraq government, functioning without institutionalized corruption and intent on equality and peace.
The Khasis, especially those in the rural areas, still treat their Syiems as benevolent masters who settle disputes and help in a crisis.