Innovation flourishes in a benign environment of low taxes, a sensible judiciary and commonsense regulation.
Barack Obama has signalled a more benign approach to the ICC than his predecessor took.
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This is a decidedly minority view--so far the international effects have been generally benign.
It was a benign quarter in insurance, but our other businesses did quite well.
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He performed a biopsy to remove the nodule, which turned out to be benign.
Among our most benign experiments are those with people who voluntarily isolate themselves for extended periods.
The absence of change over time supports benign disease, while progression suggests a cancer.
Harvard doctors showed in 1992 that through-the-needle ablation could relieve excruciating pain from benign bone tumors.
And the more I watched preschool shows the more open I became to their benign morality.
And he criticised the assessment of the area where the men died as "benign but fragile".
Several years ago I was told that I had a benign lump on my kidney.
This scan showed the "benign" lump on my kidney again but nothing wrong with the liver.
That's because turning carbon dioxide into something benign would use up a lot of energy.
We had benign readings for PPI and CPI for October, but weak Housing Starts.
These levies are undermining the economy as people and capital flee to more benign climes.
Now, the urge to protect domestic industry is well-intentioned, seems benign and has a long history.
U.S. equity prices continue to rise as a benign short-term interest-rate policy holds sway.
However, this seemingly benign increase belies dramatic changes in fortune that took place during the month.
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If you negate desire by blaming someone for being envious, you turn benign envy malicious.
She had a difficult past that reared its head whenever she faced opposition, however benign.
Further, the uranium to fuel those reactors is plentiful while the environmental impact is relatively benign.
On the occasions in which stocks failed to rally, the downturns were fairly benign.
"It's the most benign and efficient source of energy that I can imagine, " he says.
Many of them are benign or helpful, but certainly, I don't want E.coli in my beverage.
The country has grown used to high public spending as part of the benign post-devolution mood.
However, in its more benign form it provides a calming effect on markets through balance.
However, even with a more benign assumption about growth, Greece's debts would still be very large.
Morton Halperin, however, puts a much more benign face on his defense of Philip Agee.
Mr Izetbegovic's career showed that his aspirations for his people were not always benign and other-worldly.
It is possible to put a benign interpretation on the fairly uniform falls in raw-materials prices.