• HUNTSVILLE, Alabama (CNN) -- The best time in the life of a rocket scientist is the time spent standing by a launch pad or a test stand, watching a brand-new rocket go through performance tests.

    CNN: R O C K E T M A N

  • Clear-View has taught me so much already, all for the best. and now for the first time in my life I can start to see there is a better way to live.

    BBC: Coming Clean: An addict's diary

  • And the U.S. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is considering whether to nominate Nairobi Half Life for an Oscar in the Best Foreign Language Film category -- the first time a Kenyan movie has been considered.

    CNN: Gangster movie Kenya's first Oscar contender

  • Invest the time to discuss with the stakeholders in your life what is most important to you and decide on the best way to get there.

    FORBES: Ten "Easy" Steps To Financial Success

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