Televerde delivered five times as many leads as the other, and the leads were better.
For better and sometimes worse, these have been primary bulwarks of Jewish success in America.
Thirdly, we're envisioning a cheaper, mobile mobile iPad fitting into classrooms much better than the original.
In fact, I think you can be a far better and more successful businessperson.
However, SEB appears to be weathering the troubles better than its rival, for now at least.
Better brains can make for better behavior for some, and a better future for all.
They are going to get jobs designing better equipment than what BP was using.
Better tracking data would be required to maximize the effectiveness of debris removal prizes.
She enriched the lives of millions of kids -- and we are all better for it.
Better to pay them now than have warring heirs pay two sets of lawyers later.
This time his key contributions included helping understand how to make the materials better conductors.
Rockwell lost some sales but was forced to design better sensors and the like.
There is an indoor pool, free (non-alcoholic) drinks from the minibar and even better, free WiFi.
BBC: Travel - Openings: Beijing, Cura?ao, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, India
The good news for small fries is that tax software has gotten better over the years.
We train the vines correctly, low to the ground, and the wine is now much better.
"I was worried about the ground because the softer the better for him, " he said.
More diversified and hedged energy companies like ExxonMobil are better able to withstand such a problem.
Competition would then do what it has done elsewhere: generate productivity, innovation and better prices.
The better you are as an individual, the better we will be as a team.
This could mean having a better home or having a better means of transportation.
The survey asked whether Obama or McCain would do a better job with the economy.
Nowhere sums up the spirit of hiking in the Lake District better than Great Langdale.
Hong Kong, which does have a currency board, has fared better than neighboring economies.
But he has since found a suitable alternative that turns out to be even better.
Bellamy should have done better when he was sent clear by Tevez after 54 minutes.
On the surface, Viread seemed to work like AZT and Zerit, but underneath it worked better.
Blu-ray will be perceived as better because it costs more, we all know this.
In the world of data storage there is never enough and this simply makes Blu-ray better.
The dynamics of a global free market can do a better, longer lasting job.
Buying farmland on the edge of big cities would have been an even better play.