Especially when it comes to egos and people who think they're better than anyone else.
And he knows the ins and outs of the US federal budget better than anyone else in Washington.
As a renowned explorer, tour guide, archaeologist and volunteer firefighter, Vaughn knows the country and its stories better than anyone else.
No one is better than you, but you're not better than anyone else.
Gladstone knew the national government budget better than anyone else, and in 1861 he began his great tax-cutting campaign.
FORBES: Two Of The All-Time Greatest Successes In Cutting Taxes And Spending
For that reason, the firm is able to hold onto the bulk office supply market better than anyone else.
You need freedom and capital flow- we have that better than anyone else.
Barack knows better than anyone else that too many people are still hurting.
By that he means that when you do only one thing, you have to do it better than anyone else.
Apple is not going to deviate from the strategy of doing a few things, and doing them better than anyone else.
Sure, drillers are urged to follow guidelines of the main industry trade group who certainly knows this better than anyone else.
Investors are backing the managers they believe can find and exploit inefficiencies or wrinkles in the market better than anyone else.
What we can do -- what America does better than anyone else -- is spark the creativity and imagination of our people.
WHITEHOUSE: The 2011 State of the Union Address: Enhanced Version
Maybe you can explain how the new economy works better than anyone else, guiding companies to succeed with innovative products and services.
You have a story to tell, my paper can cover that story, and Danny can tell that story better than anyone else.
Any secret training methods that the Jamaicans use better than anyone else?
"By making the choice to serve that specific segment of the market, we can serve them better than anyone else, " he says.
Academics of all persuasions are where they are today because they believe they know better than anyone else how things should work.
Yes, you highlight your primary point of differentiation first, stressing how you can solve a specific problem for a consumer better than anyone else.
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The Deseret News wins points for answering the question every news organization should be asking itself: What can we do better than anyone else?
FORBES: Pew Case Studies Highlight Promising Avenues, And Some Pitfalls, For Struggling Papers
Google, though, appears to do it dramatically better than anyone else.
Meantime, investors count on Google to execute better than anyone else.
After all, they know better than anyone else what they want.
FORBES: Sustainable Management: Focus on Individuals, Not Generations
Google, as a company, mastered this model better than anyone else.
FORBES: What Google Reader Could Learn From The Veronica Mars Kickstarter
Moreover, it appears that social networking is a classic increasing-returns business, and Facebook was good or lucky enough to leverage it better than anyone else.
They talk about how he is brilliant, intellectually honest, and has a vision of where the industry is going that is better than anyone else they know.
Historically, the Scandinavians have been much better than anyone else.
"The reality is we do this work better than anyone else in our field because we focus first on delivering first-rate care to the incarcerated population, " CMC spokeswoman Jessica Bassett told the newspaper.
Leaving aside the mistaken idea that immigration is purely an act of generosity (start with this excellent Economist article for example), is it actually true that we do better than anyone else?