An average of 35 exhibitors are also on hand, including Thinking Beyond Borders, an international program, based in Fairfield, Conn.
Benefits Beyond Borders, co-published with Cambridge University Press, presents case studies on the role of local communities for the sustainable development of WH sites.
Since 2007, countries have been obligated to increase their reporting on a wide range of newly emergent diseases with the potential to spread beyond borders.
More types of programs are being offered, including "domestic and international programs ranging from traditional academics to service learning to tourism, " says Mr. Pendoley, who is also chief executive of Thinking Beyond Borders, a Fairfield, Conn.
"Carlos' influence on literature goes far beyond borders of Latin America, and the impact of his intellect and activism will not be forgotten, " said Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who presented Fuentes with a key to the city in 2006.
She said the Silk Report's recommendations had very complex implications well beyond borders of Wales, some of which could be implemented relatively quickly without legislation while others required a substantial rewriting of the Government of Wales Act or new Treasury legislation.
BBC: Peers discuss whether Wales should have taxation powers
Josef Woodman, author of Patients Beyond Borders, a guide to medical tourism, told CNN that two to three million people travel outside their home country for treatment each year, while consultancy firm Deloitte calculates that 750, 000 Americans traveled abroad for treatment last year.
And so does NATO, which is, by the way, looking well beyond its borders.
And like most really good satire, it operates just beyond the borders of most viewers' comfort zone.
Not until World War II did Moscow again attempt to move its military forces beyond its borders.
Di Martino also revealed the investigation was spreading beyond Italian borders, with five people arrested in Hungary.
Military re-enactment is, to be sure, a popular hobby that appeals to people far beyond American borders.
"Beyond our borders, these cartels and traffickers pose an extraordinary threat to our Central American neighbors, " Obama said.
And obviously, Qatar has done very well under His Highness's leadership, but his influence extends beyond his borders.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Amir Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani
The Defense Secretary's leadership challenge is to encourage his regional commanders to think beyond the borders assigned to them.
But the case could reverberate far beyond the borders of the Midwestern city.
CNN: Top U.S. archbishop linked to abusive priest payout plan
Still, the most exciting growth prospects for Netflix might be beyond domestic borders.
FORBES: Go Ahead, Try To Find A Way That Netflix Is Worth $187
This generation recognizes that a boom or bust approach to the world beyond our borders is no longer an option.
By doing so he told everyone beyond our borders that the U.S. was turning inward, becoming uninterested in their concerns.
Nepalese have looked beyond their borders for work ever since the British started recruiting Gurkhas early in the last century.
We love it because it made us look beyond St Andrews, beyond the borders of Scotland, to the wide world.
BBC: William and Kate recall St Andrews University courtship
There's no guarantee that the Android-focused markets beyond American borders have been as receptive to iPhone price drops and updates.
They must be pursued hand in hand with our global public health strategy to roll back the pandemic beyond our borders.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy
Of equal importance to hotel companies is the rapidly rising number of affluent Indian and Chinese travellers venturing beyond their borders.
Its willingness to dabble beyond its borders marked it out for suspicion when crisis struck and doubts about its foreign exposures grew.
ECONOMIST: India is caught in two minds about financial globalisation
Commissioner Rehn said that national decisions have an impact beyond national borders.
Mandela's impact has extended far beyond the borders of his own country.
What happens after the verdict Saturday will extend far beyond Kenyan borders.
The disastrous effects of the American war on drugs are becoming more apparent, however, not only in the U.S. but beyond its borders.
And we can only preserve our security and our well being at home by being strongly involved in the world beyond our borders.