Now at city rivals Rovers after an impressive four-year stint at Hull FC, the 25-year-old Briscoe is in scintillating form and already eyeing a big end-of-year prize.
In "Gulliver's Travels, " Swift described a vicious conflict between the Big-Enders, who ate their eggs with the big end up, and the Little-Enders, who started from the little end.
WSJ: In Children, Bias Blooms Chillingly Early | Mind & Matter
Big tight end Dave Casper, who went on to star in the NFL, was the intended target.
The fear was that the English Baccalaureate certificate with its 'more challenging' tag, with its big bang end of year exam would mean universities and employers outside Wales regarded a qualification gained in Wales, in future, as not quite as shiny as the gold standard EBacc.
Will Taylor go for the big one to end it in a blaze of glory?
Yesterday VMWare announced a big move into end-user centric access and management of cloud-based applications.
During Christmases past, many executives merrily deferred receipt of their big year-end bonuses.
But if things take another turn for the worse, the big ones could end up back in the water.
Our major banks must refinance at year-end big traunches of debenture paper.
The 49-year-old has already won titles in England, Italy and his native Portugal, and was under big pressure to end Barca's dominance this season.
CNN: Clasico win gives Real the title edge as Barca lose again
Land Securities this week postponed one West End big scheme.
There was also a legal stand-off between activists and drug companies that threatened to cut off the country's access to antiretroviral drugs, but in the end Big Pharma backed off.
He started his new London agency, the Red Brick Road, with five former colleagues, including three from Lowe London who left big year-end bonuses on the table to join Lowe, 66, before the end of 2005.
What about bankers in Manhattan or London who take home big year-end bonuses as a reward for having stocked their bank's vaults with the deposits of "high-net worth individuals" whose only known job has been with a government in another country?
The Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 pact aimed at reining in carbon emissions, aimed to limit that increase to 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees C) by 2100 -- but a November report by the World Bank warned that trends point more toward an increase twice that big by the end of the century.
If they amass front-end tax liabilities, because they have such a short window to earn big cash, they end up with less than expected.
The big focus is the end of the season with the World Cup coming up.
At the core of Robinhood is a sophisticated Big Data back-end, which is based on lots of algorithms.
In America, Tea Party activists want to bring an end to Big Government by cutting off its source of funds.
FORBES: Solve The Big Problems: Let The U.S. Government Default
He said Mr. Butler can get "too engaged by the facts" but usually sees the big picture in the end.
In the end, Big Ideas trump Big Data, and humanly relevant ideas depend on more than the manifold digits of historic observation.
There was a big one towards the end of the 19th Century.
BBC: Archbishop criticises City for 'culture of entitlement'
That number will likely get a big bump at the end of the year, when the sponsorships currently underwriting another 100, 000 digital subscriptions run out.
Van Outen shot to fame fronting Channel 4's morning show, but will leave The Big Breakfast at the end of the year to persue new projects.
Mr Mahuad, whose big achievement was to end a futile 60-year border dispute with Peru and cut military spending, claims he was the victim of army revenge.
Any sat-nav is going to give you errors, but this one in particular is giving us a big one that may end up in a loss of life.
Swiss bank UBS returned to profit in the first three months of the year, after racking up big losses at the end of 2012, related to the Libor scandal.