Big words, but what it purports to do is nothing short of mind-boggling.
According to Matt Johnson, the 23-year-old cofounder of Big Words, economies of scale and centralized distribution mean his company sells books for less and still realizes higher margins than brick-and-mortar bookstores.
"For all the big words people are still able to have anonymous accounts on Pastebin so they are effectively untraceable, " said Prof Alan Woodward, a visiting professor at the University of Surrey's computing department.
"Thatcher was a politician whose words carried big weight, " Mr. Gorbachev said Monday in a statement on the Gorbachev Foundation's website.
File away all the fine words and big promises you hear in the Swiss mountains over the course of this week and re-examine them in 11 months time.
"Let this serve as a message to everyone, our actions and words, big or small, can have a serious impact, " he added, also saying that he has now lost the job he liked and has three children to support.
In other words, the big will get bigger and charge more for their expensively procured spectacles.
In other words, the big difference will be in news delivery rather than in news content itself.
Now, nearly 50 years after that novel's release, a new documentary brings Kerouac's words to the big screen.
In other words, too big to fail has morphed into something more perverse.
In other words, tax big companies and you hurt small companies, too.
FORBES: Relationship Between Big and Small Business Isn't Easy To Quantify
The vice president had harsh words for the big tobacco companies.
He's a former chairman of the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, and he was arrested Thursday after confessing that his investment fund was, to use his words, one big lie.
One tweet heralded the announcement with the words, "Big News, " which might have been an understatement.
In other words, turn the Big Data into a much smaller pool of relevant answers and actions in real time if possible.
Those two words make a very big difference.
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Instead of an allowance, we collected dimes and occasionally quarters for using big --whoops -- substantial words.
FORBES: Marcelle Sussman Fischler - The Pampered Nest - Archive
In other words, LEAN leaders think big, build small and iterate cheaply until they get it right.
In other words, the existence of big winnings would surely have set alarm bells ringing that the offsetting nets were fictitious.
In other words, Microsoft may be big, but in the world of digital content, somehow, Apple has managed to loom larger.
In other words, instead of building big new gas power stations to back up renewable turbines, even Britain could be looking to Aggreko to plug in its generators.
To Jamster's credit, they did create a website allowing parents to block a phone number from ordering Jamster content, but they have yet to implement a program notifying people in very big letters and very clearly-spoken words that they are about to enter into an unholy pact with the Ringtone Devil.
In other words, what plagues the two big health programs is what plagues the system as a whole.
In some cases that may be a 10-K with words and tables stored as one big chunk of data which can be analyzed later.
FORBES: Capital Markets Increase Their Demand for Unstructured Data, Big Data
In other words, the Second Law of Big Data: The value of data grows with the number of innovative models applied to it.
In other words, Huck, who bashes big businesses and stock market punters in rhetoric and small businesses in his policy positions, has left himself with no natural business support whatsoever.
In other words, can I find in my Big Data analytical support for a conflicting story to my own?
In other words, people are willing to spend big money on electronics that provide them with a fun (even gimmicky) way to stay in shape.