So get on the bus, catch a train, rent a car or saddle up your bike.
Once you are there, you can get around on foot, bike, motorbike or a hired taxi.
Make sure to lock the bike carefully by pushing the front wheel into an empty dock.
Bike sharing is a fun, easy, environmentally friendly way to explore a new place.
Day trips start at 495 rand per person, including transport, bike rental and wine tastings.
Rent a bike (or bring your own) and follow the only pathway out of the village.
Bike theft also is common, as there is no formal registration for private bikes.
On the river's north shore is the city of Cambridge, where this bike tour begins.
Five minutes outside town, I find myself cycling a rented bike along a deserted road.
Potter around rough trails on foot or by bike, breaking with a picnic lunch and a dip.
Charity Miles lets you raise money for the cause of your choice while you walk, run or bike.
The motorcyclist, in his haste to get away, collided with two other cars and came off his bike.
Then spend the other half on a nice bike and ride it to work.
FORBES: With $2,000 To Spend, What's The Most Effective Way To Reduce One's Carbon Footprint?
"This bike looks fast when it's sitting still, " crooned a reviewer from Cycle World magazine.
The Olympic triathlon event in 2012 comprised a 1500m swim, 43km bike ride and 10km run.
Route 30A, meanwhile, is chockablock with great restaurants, boutiques, bike routes and similarly precious towns.
Will Al lead by perfect example and walk or bike to the Capitol Building?
The digital display on my bike showed 82 degrees and it was not yet 6:30 AM.
Have you noted down the number of the bike they are following you on?
The brakes worked well, and the gear settings operated just like on a standard bike.
Designer Jens Martin Skibstead has been pushing a new bike paradigm for a decade now.
San Francisco and Chicago are expected to release requests for proposals from bike-sharing companies this year.
FORBES: Bike-Sharing Grows Up: New Revenue Models Turn a Nice Idea into Good Business
Then she removed the bike, and within a few minutes, was testing the road on it.
The city plans to eventually install thousands more bike stations in upper Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn.
And because this is LA, you can valet park your bike if you want.
Spinlister: The startup creates a peer-to-peer bicycle rental service that matches bike owners with riders.
"It's basically a bike on steroids--in a good way, " says chief executive Chris Deyo.
So, for example, the winner of the most-beat-up-bike contest would get a new bike.
It targeted residents of hip cities such as Austin, Texas, with ads promoting local bike events.
Our new racing bike, the Venge, was codesigned with McLaren, the Formula One team.
FORBES: Hippie Capitalist: Specialized Bicycle's Mike Sinyard