For less-hardy riders, there are hiking and biking trails that lead around the steep climb.
And despite mounting popularity, Kalwill thinks the biking culture has yet to transition from trendy to mainstream.
Dewa Nayoma offers everything from airport runs to full-day excursions and downhill biking tours.
Biking trails, wellkept lakes and other public amenities make life nice for its middle class.
Number 16 on the Bloomberg Rankings Biking to Work list is New York City.
"I'm doing some mountain biking, which will be a nice little break, " Wood told BBC Sport.
Wedged between Coniston and Esthwaite Water, Grizedale Forest is criss-crossed by hiking trails and biking routes.
We have some of the most beautiful and challenging road biking on all the Earth.
Will adventure racing achieve the mass popularity of running, mountain biking and other outdoor sports?
Was the bicycle boom of the 1890s when biking took off in this country?
According to his Twitter feed, Armstrong has been biking, running and swimming in Hawaii.
Do we want bosses discouraging their employees from owning guns or enjoying mountain biking on the weekends?
It was nearly 110 degrees yesterday and even if you are biking to work at 7 a.m.
To see how your city measured up, view the entire Bloomberg Rankings Biking to Work list.
In the fall, the trails of Deschutes National Forest are perfect for hiking and mountain biking.
Some suggested making it part of a hiking and biking trail planned along the defunct rail line.
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Would you consider carrying both an old-school mobile and your iPhone while hiking, biking or skiing?
As well as attracting local film buffs, Fu's goal is to keep raising the profile of biking in Hong Kong.
Later, slip into your riding gear (or biking best) and spend a few hours on an exhilarating ride.
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Mayor Michael Bloomberg says biking decreases the number of drivers on the road and encourages a healthy lifestyle.
Biking enthusiasts will bid on his Belstaff riding jacket, padded motorcycle sweatshirts and an array of motoring memorabilia.
Spend your day hiking, mountain biking, riding the Banff Gondola or soaking in the Banff Upper Hot Springs.
You probably wonder what cyclists think about while biking on idyllic country roads on a perfect spring day.
FORBES: Musings While Cycling: Why are Americans so Impatient? people certainly seem to like mountain biking, but the knowledge economy needs more than purely physical exertion.
Pinched between the Andes ranges and sitting 2, 600m above sea level, Bogota is unexpectedly one of the world's great biking cities.
There are two major waterfalls that are easily accessible from town and also plenty of hiking and biking trails.
Nearby, the Gatineau Hills offer great hiking, biking and, during winter months, skiing.
Land-based explorations include a nine-day hiking trip and a nine-day multi-sport adventure with kayaking, snorkeling, mountain biking, and hiking.
Then there's the active local population that pours their leisure time and dollars into mountain biking, skiing and nightlife.
The path would remove the need for visitors to use a car to access the internationally-renowned mountain biking facilities.