In California, Massachusetts and Arizona, bilingual education has been banned by proponents of an English-only approach.
"Bilingual education connects to a lot of lightning rod issues in the national discourse, " Linquanti said.
Bilingual education programs have been a fiasco, too often severely hindering kids from learning English.
He also emphasized the importance for his country of strengthening bilingual education, especially in the southernmost regions.
They rejected bilingual education not out of anti-immigrant fervour but because it is widely seen as an experiment that failed.
Critics of immigration fear that is less so today, especially with such policies as bilingual education and foreign language ballots.
FORBES: The GOP And Immigration: Good Economics, But What About The Politics?
But he became a busy worker in the cause when big money mobilised to block his overhaul of bilingual education.
The event was successful in bringing together more than 250 participants to actively discuss about ESD and Bilingual Education in Cambodia.
The proposition mandated that these students take English immersion classes, unless their parents specifically requested that they continue traditional bilingual education programs.
The conference encouraged all Bilingual Education partners including NGOs to have a joint 5-year plan for further expanding and implementing bilingual educational opportunities.
However, there is still the lack of the awareness towards mother-tongue based bilingual education in the general public and in some ethnic communities.
Intercultural education and the use of local languages along with bilingual education must also be recognized as an important factor in the quality of learning.
"It's not in all cases bilingual education works better, " Linquanti said.
Mr Unz had the idea for his campaign in 1996, when immigrant garment-workers in Los Angeles organised a school boycott to protest against bilingual education.
Mr Tancredo has been furious about immigration since 1975, when he was a high-school social-studies teacher and the Colorado legislature passed the country's first bilingual education law.
He opposed bilingual education as a state assemblyman in Colorado.
Some 40% of the state's Latinos defied their leaders to vote for scrapping bilingual education, a sign that they are not willing to vote purely on ethnic lines.
One of the most significant recommendations of the conference was to increase support to Bilingual Education teachers through setting up a long term strategic capacity building and training plan.
Various prominent government officials endorsed equitable access to basic education and thus the importance of bilingual education as basic human right as well as a strategy for poverty reduction.
This would mean the end of bilingual education, in which Spanish and English are both used in the classroom, in schools which are often serving a predominantly Hispanic community.
Now that the state which pioneered bilingual education has voted to dismantle it, with the support of a large proportion of its Spanish-speaking voters, other states may well follow.
The research is inconclusive, though there has been recent momentum for bilingual education programs such as the one at Coral Way, which has been at it longer than most schools.
Dr. Som Somuny, president of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences and chair of the conference, emphasized the important role of Bilingual Education in promoting learning for sustainable development.
Moreover, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MOEYS) has very limited budget and capacity for this and bilingual education interventions still depend largely on pilot programmes supported by NGOs.
Christine Russell of Boston University reviewed 300 studies and found that 78 percent of them concluded that bilingual education was no better or actually worse for English learners than doing nothing!
Mr. In The, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, stressed that Bilingual Education promotes equitable access to learning opportunities especially to indigenous children, youth and adult learners.
Those supporting bilingual education argue that the state's 162, 000 Spanish-speaking pupils achieve more if taught through their first language and that attending an all-English schools would put Spanish-speakers at an immediate disadvantage.
Voters said no to mandatory bilingual education and defeated a proposal to institute "paycheck protection, " which would have called for written permission for labor unions to use money from dues toward political campaigns.
The city cited increases in crime rates, more gang activity, higher spending on bilingual education at its public schools and on health care, and various other expenses, with no offsetting rise in tax revenues.