The visibility of the water reaches 12m, allowing crystal-clear glimpses of shoals of Atlantic fish and billowing seaweed.
Television footage showed charred trees and light smoke billowing from the top of the mineshaft.
Local resident Malvern Evans said he could see smoke "billowing" from the houses affected.
Images of the blast posted on Twitter revealed large clouds of smoke billowing from the building.
In summer the heather moorland is a billowing carpet of purple, in autumn the woodlands are ablaze with colour.
But now, Mr Obama's comments have firmly transformed this local New York squabble into a billowing national debate.
Even the billowing steam, it turned out, was fake: no one had dared stoke up the pre-war boiler.
You might even glimpse Marilyn Forever standing with her skirt billowing in the sunset from that vantage point.
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You wouldn't notice it but for a constant stream of steam billowing up to the sky from a rusty derrick.
Witnesses described an "incredible collision", which left smoke billowing from both cars.
Dolman sleeves and billowing backs represent a sea change from the high, tight armholes and slim silhouettes that have been dominating fashion.
Heading outside, Jewett noticed surging flames as well as billowing black smoke.
The fire burned for about two hours, sending smoke billowing over the luxury Palm Jumeirah project and along the beachfront districts of Dubai.
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The results tend to buttress the view that the company may have to rely on brutal cost cuts, not billowing sales, to keep revenue up.
Billowing curtains framed the outlines of two men dressed in white.
Even 15 hours later, black smoke was billowing from the scene.
The harbor was filthy, billowing with waste, both human and industrial.
This blazing fire and billowing black smoke came from a test drill at Taq Taq, an oilfield 30 miles southwest of Irbil in the Kurdish region.
She ended the show with a long, flowing floral-printed gown with billowing sleeves, the kind you would see on the likes of Lee Radziwill or Marella Agnelli.
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In Jacob van Ruisdael's captivating "View of Haarlem" (c. 1670-75), a totally flat, almost totally dark landscape lies under a canvas that is two-thirds billowing, sky-broken clouds.
Indeed, there were so many seductive women with manes of hair billowing into the wind, that you began to think the audience consisted entirely of wind machines.
As soon as you walk past the billowing white curtains of the Rose Bar at the Delano (1685 Collins Avenue), you know you're somewhere a little bit special.
Favourite Eskimo Jack was third in the race, which was delayed by nearly 15 minutes because of smoke from a nearby fire which was billowing across the track.
The crash at the height of the rush hour sent thick smoke and flames billowing into the sky, with police saying it was a miracle there were not more casualties.
The result was a remarkable image of the vibrant white, blue and yellow sail billowing around the seemingly tiny deck, later used as the poster for Victory's America's Cup campaign.
Though their bodies remain well covered by billowing abayas, the camel-hump girls are often heavily made-up and have a reputation for tottering around the shopping malls in brightly colored high heels.
WSJ: Young Women's Elaborate, High-Rise 'Camel Hump' Hairstyles Turn Heads in Dubai Malls
Billowing clouds and persistent fog still hugged the coastline.
In the first half, WALL-E, a robotic trash collector and compactor, continues to go about his duties after the human presence has been blown away from Earth by billowing waves of noxious dust.
No chief executive would unveil a new corporate strategy wearing a broad-collared tail coat, skin-hugging trousers that left little to the imagination and billowing muslin stock in the gap that a tie would later fill.
Minutes later I sat on the front stoop, and when the babysitter pushed the carriage around the corner, I felt a huge billowing of love that sat like a gigantic, soft helium balloon on my shoulders.