The European Bioinformatics Institute is part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Europe's flagship life-sciences lab.
WSJ: Scientists Store King Speech, Shakespeare Sonnets in DNA
The European Bioinformatics Institute is part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Europe's flagship life sciences lab.
WSJ: Scientists Store King Speech, Shakespeare Sonnets in DNA
Dr Lorenz Studer, head of the Stem Cell and Tumor Biology Laboratory at the centre, and the lead researcher on the study, told BBC News Online that the study was "proof of principle" that cloned embryonic stem cells could be reliably transformed into a variety of useful cell types.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Mouse cloned to cure Parkinson's
Professor Perutz undertook his work at the Cavendish Laboratories in Cambridge, UK, before moving to the newly set up Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB), which he chaired until 1979.
BBC: Science 'giant' Perutz dies