• Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie and Roger Tsien were responsible for the discovery of a substance called green fluorescent protein, and its development into an important tool of modern biology.

    ECONOMIST: The 2008 Nobel science prizes

  • The Vatican does not often react to science in the news this rapidly, and certainly not to be as positive as it was about a ground-breaking development in the emerging field of synthetic biology.

    FORBES: Venter and the Vatican

  • This meant building a team of anywhere from ten to fifty people to deal with all the complexities of the process: chemistry, biology, regulatory affairs, clinical medicine, finance, business development, patent strategy, etc.

    FORBES: Virtual R&D: Drug Development In The New Millennium

  • The prize rewards the efforts of an individual, an institution, a non-governmental organisation or another entity which, through research and development, has made an outstanding contribution to the field of microbiology (including immunology, molecular biology, genetics, etc.) and its applications.

    UNESCO: Apply for UNESCO Prizes

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