However there are still a number of reservations that biometric systems will provide an enhanced passenger experience at airports and maintain high standards of security.
CNN: Heathrow tests biometrics
Research carried out by Axel Munde of the German Information Security Agency, to be published next month, found that many biometric systems available in Germany could be fooled.
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"As well as being careful to find a system that works unfailingly, be it fingerprints or eye scans, the main factor holding back airlines from introducing more biometric systems is the lack of integration, " a spokesperson for British Airways told CNN.
CNN: Heathrow tests biometrics
But those are combined with high-tech locks, such as biometric security systems (think fingerprint and retina scanners).
FORBES: Platinum Protection
No doubt there will be some benefits: fraud, in particular the persistent and increasingly annoying problem of identity theft, might be substantially reduced if biometric-identification systems, introduced in the form of passports, visas and identity cards, become widespread.
Ford and other companies to test how biometric sensors could be used both to guide the design of vehicles to make them easier to operate and as onboard systems to help people drive more safely.
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