The fossil is a member of the Alvarezsauridae family, a group of bird-like dinosaurs.
Researchers believe its short arms and large claw show how bird-like dinosaurs evolved independently of birds.
Now, the ferocious dinosaur is depicted in a bird-like posture, tail in the air and head pitched forward of its two massive legs.
He would tread, a little bird-like man with hands folded and head bowed, along narrow paths that threaded through the jungle-forests of central Cambodia.
Opened in 1962, the bird-like concrete and glass structure envelops visitors in a swooping, cloudlike interior covered in more than five million dime-sized porcelain tiles.
On a recent flyover, Taylor and fellow observer Zach Swaim photographed a new mother, No. 2660, who's named Gannet because she has a bird-like pattern on her head.
But some nameplates--like the T-bird--are gone despite being beloved and successful.
In the perfect absence of thundering house music, the call of a lone, coarse-throated bird thunders like a foghorn.
And if you want a symbol of 21st Century Britain, why not go for the black redstart, a robin-like bird that has adapted to the furious urbanisation of the last two centuries.
He reminded Hadley of a chattering bird, a large endearingly gawky bird like an ostrich, long-legged, long-necked, with a beaky face, quick-darting inquisitive eyes.
It even includes more esoteric bar items like a bird's-nest double strainer used to remove small shards of ice from a shaken drink (to keep the cocktail from getting too diluted) and an ice pick, should you be interested in mastering the art of carving huge globes of ice for your Scotch.
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Still, Borroni-Bird says, there are a number of obstacles that need to be hurdled before something like the EN-V hits the market.
After admiring the lion pride, we crisscross the park's dirt roads, passing birds (there are 300 bird species in Gir), langur monkeys with whip-like tails and docile chital (Bambi-esque spotted deer).
It sported broad wings and feathers like a bird, but it also had three-fingered claws, sharp teeth and a long bony tail similar to a dinosaur.
But he is having to re-build at Blues, whose captain Laura Bassett and star winger Dannii Bird have like Harvey moved to Arsenal.
Minutes later, the hopes of Oregon's pyrotechnic offense died at the simplest of plays: a 41-yard Alejandro Maldonado field goal that bonked the left upright like a bird into a glass door.
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Or in-flight flight, which grants its bearer the ability to fly like a bird, but only within the confines of an airplane.
Among the subjects Mr. Hanson alighted upon were the Club-winged Manakin, a bird of the cloud forests of the Andes that strums its feathers like a violin.
As shown in the clip after the break, the high-res cam doesn't quite reveal facial features, but you can spot details like a bird flying around a building and the color of someone's clothes.
And, thanks to noise-suppression technology, it won't generate the sonic boom that prevents the big bird from landing in cities like Tokyo.
Bird's songs are full of eccentric words that sound like they've tumbled out of a Scrabble box - radiolarians, dermestids and plecostomus.