The new bird of prey centre will provide two full-time jobs and three part-time posts.
The Austin-based band Shearwater named its new album after the bird of prey.
Sightings of a rare bird of prey are being recorded in Cairngorms National Park.
" Mr. Ross added, "He'd say, 'I like the thing that sounds like a bird of prey.
The centre is home to more than 30 different species of bird of prey, and primates, reptiles, invertebrates, raccoons and cats.
Kes, on the other hand, dealt with the touching story of a poor boy who finds comfort in training a bird of prey.
Then the wing of a falcon nearly grazed my son's brow, and the questions flew: How do you train a bird of prey to come home?
Between 50, 000 to 60, 000 pigeons are estimated to have gone missing last year due to problems such as bird of prey attacks and poor weather, the RPRA said.
There is no ban on meetings taking place, and foxes can be killed by a bird of prey or shot - but only if no more than two dogs are involved.
"We put kestrel boxes up for Springwatch 2008 and although a couple did show interest in one of the boxes, they were driven out by a pair of buzzards who just wouldn't tolerate another bird of prey, " said Nigel.
The Audubon Society, which is affiliated with the Louisiana Coastal Initiative, is recruiting volunteers in Florida and making its Center for Birds of Prey available for bird cleansing and rehabilitation.
The birds of prey have been brought in after library users complained of having to avoid bird droppings in the courtyard.