The birth-control mandate also fails the Religious Freedom Restoration Act's "compelling governmental interest" and "least restrictive means" tests.
WSJ: Rivkin and Whelan: Birth-Control Mandate��Unconstitutional and Illegal
The refusal, for religious reasons, to provide birth-control coverage is clearly an exercise of religious freedom under the Constitution.
WSJ: Rivkin and Whelan: Birth-Control Mandate��Unconstitutional and Illegal
For example, conventional wisdom in the West is that the birth-control pill was an essential step toward women's liberation.
But the preparation he was using was then reformulated as the birth-control pill.
Other programmes, from help with birth-control and HIV-prevention to counselling against drug abuse and domestic violence, will be made smaller or eliminated altogether.
It's also promoted as a birth-control method and a feminine-hygiene product.
After winning independence from Pakistan, Bangladesh has probably fared better than Pakistan in areas of microcredit lending, grassroot development, voluntary birth-control, female education and press freedom.
In the past year, America's political leaders have laid before the nation the question of whether universities should be required to give free birth-control pills and devices to their students.
WSJ: Christopher DeMuth: A Referendum on ObamaCare and Liberty
The study, started in the 1970s in Matlab, compared a group with access to contraception and birth-control education to a similar group that did not have access to those things.
Last summer the health department decreed that all new health-insurance policies should cover birth-control services for women, including the morning-after pill (which most pro-lifers consider a form of abortion) and sterilisation.
The drug works by using high doses of the female hormone progestin, which also is contained in birth-control pills, to block a potentially fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's uterus.
WSJ: Judge Eases Restrictions on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive
Schering AG, which operates under the name of Berlex Laboratories in the U.S., is a big player in birth-control pills, has blockbuster in the multiple sclerosis treatment Betaseron, and is developing some promising cancer drugs.
For those who need to spend the money in their flexible health spending account by the end of the year, the Chicago Tribune supplies a long list of items that qualify, including sunscreen and birth-control pills.
The drug works by using high doses of the female hormone progestin, which also is contained in birth-control pills, to prevent ovulation or block a potentially fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's uterus, according to the drug's label.
WSJ: Judge Eases Restrictions on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive
It is not only a series of popes but also a number of prominent secular thinkers who believe that the birth-control pill has been one of the major milestones in human history a diverse group that runs from public intellectuals of a previous generation like Walter Lippmann to such contemporary scholars as Francis Fukuyama and Robert Putnam.
WSJ: Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good for Women? Mary Eberstadt: No
Under the new health care law, many insurers were, as of August 2012, required to cover the cost of most FDA-approved birth control prescribed by a doctor (but not abortifacient drugs).
This move comes just weeks after a federal judge in Brooklyn, New York, ordered the FDA to make the morning-after birth control pill available to women of any age, without a prescription.
Unmarried pledgers, however, were less likely than non-pledgers to use birth control (64 percent of pledge takers and 70 percent of non-pledge takers said they used it most of the time) or condoms (42 percent of pledge takers and 54 percent of non-pledge takers said they used them most of the time).
She suggested women who had completed their families should consider a permanent form of birth control such as sterilisation, and those who still wanted to have a family considered using a back-up form of birth control, such as a condom, as well as the Pill.
Her uncompromising opposition to abortion -- she called it murder -- and artificial birth control attracted the most criticism.
The amendment would grant full legal protection to embryos and foetuses and could outlaw some forms of birth control, stem-cell research and possibly in vitro fertilisation.
The Vatican has over recent decades issued blanket condemnations of artificial methods of birth control, in-vitro fertilization, therapeutic and reproductive cloning, and human embryonic stem cell research.
"Governor Rick Perry should not be able to decide which health centers a woman can go to for birth control, well-woman exams or cancer screenings, " Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards said.
As an animal rights activist I can chime in as follows: were it not for the technologies of immuno-contraception (birth control for other species) there would be an even more vast realm of needless suffering.
He was at the FDA during the initial consideration of the request to sell the so-called morning after birth control over the counter.
After the market closed Thursday Conceptus, which makes a nonincisional permanent birth control method, cut its second-quarter and full-year outlooks, citing the weak economy and high unemployment, which it said is causing would-be patients to put off their doctor visits.
Mr Connelly starts with the 19th-century campaigners who published illegal manuals on birth control.
If cost-takeouts are the only road to profitability, are the insurers prepared to deal with pesky little matters like the public funding of birth control, abortion, home births and c-sections, i.e.
Obama promised to change the birth control requirement so insurance companies and not faith-affiliated employers would pay for the coverage, but religious leaders said more changes were needed to make the plan work.