• The birth-control mandate also fails the Religious Freedom Restoration Act's "compelling governmental interest" and "least restrictive means" tests.

    WSJ: Rivkin and Whelan: Birth-Control Mandate��Unconstitutional and Illegal

  • The refusal, for religious reasons, to provide birth-control coverage is clearly an exercise of religious freedom under the Constitution.

    WSJ: Rivkin and Whelan: Birth-Control Mandate��Unconstitutional and Illegal

  • For example, conventional wisdom in the West is that the birth-control pill was an essential step toward women's liberation.

    ECONOMIST: The new women in Japan

  • But the preparation he was using was then reformulated as the birth-control pill.

    ECONOMIST: The Pill

  • Other programmes, from help with birth-control and HIV-prevention to counselling against drug abuse and domestic violence, will be made smaller or eliminated altogether.

    ECONOMIST: Voters reject a ballot they could not comprehend

  • It's also promoted as a birth-control method and a feminine-hygiene product.

    CNN: Cleaning through the ages

  • After winning independence from Pakistan, Bangladesh has probably fared better than Pakistan in areas of microcredit lending, grassroot development, voluntary birth-control, female education and press freedom.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • In the past year, America's political leaders have laid before the nation the question of whether universities should be required to give free birth-control pills and devices to their students.

    WSJ: Christopher DeMuth: A Referendum on ObamaCare and Liberty

  • The study, started in the 1970s in Matlab, compared a group with access to contraception and birth-control education to a similar group that did not have access to those things.


  • Last summer the health department decreed that all new health-insurance policies should cover birth-control services for women, including the morning-after pill (which most pro-lifers consider a form of abortion) and sterilisation.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • The drug works by using high doses of the female hormone progestin, which also is contained in birth-control pills, to block a potentially fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's uterus.

    WSJ: Judge Eases Restrictions on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive

  • Schering AG, which operates under the name of Berlex Laboratories in the U.S., is a big player in birth-control pills, has blockbuster in the multiple sclerosis treatment Betaseron, and is developing some promising cancer drugs.

    FORBES: Avaricious In Germany

  • For those who need to spend the money in their flexible health spending account by the end of the year, the Chicago Tribune supplies a long list of items that qualify, including sunscreen and birth-control pills.

    FORBES: Connect

  • The drug works by using high doses of the female hormone progestin, which also is contained in birth-control pills, to prevent ovulation or block a potentially fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's uterus, according to the drug's label.

    WSJ: Judge Eases Restrictions on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive

  • It is not only a series of popes but also a number of prominent secular thinkers who believe that the birth-control pill has been one of the major milestones in human history a diverse group that runs from public intellectuals of a previous generation like Walter Lippmann to such contemporary scholars as Francis Fukuyama and Robert Putnam.

    WSJ: Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good for Women? Mary Eberstadt: No

  • Under the new health care law, many insurers were, as of August 2012, required to cover the cost of most FDA-approved birth control prescribed by a doctor (but not abortifacient drugs).

    FORBES: Ask TheTaxgirl: Deducting The Cost Of Birth Control

  • This move comes just weeks after a federal judge in Brooklyn, New York, ordered the FDA to make the morning-after birth control pill available to women of any age, without a prescription.


  • Unmarried pledgers, however, were less likely than non-pledgers to use birth control (64 percent of pledge takers and 70 percent of non-pledge takers said they used it most of the time) or condoms (42 percent of pledge takers and 54 percent of non-pledge takers said they used them most of the time).

    CNN: Virginity pledges don't mean much, study says

  • She suggested women who had completed their families should consider a permanent form of birth control such as sterilisation, and those who still wanted to have a family considered using a back-up form of birth control, such as a condom, as well as the Pill.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Pill 'fails more in obese women'

  • Her uncompromising opposition to abortion -- she called it murder -- and artificial birth control attracted the most criticism.


  • The amendment would grant full legal protection to embryos and foetuses and could outlaw some forms of birth control, stem-cell research and possibly in vitro fertilisation.

    BBC: North Dakota introduces toughest abortion law in US

  • The Vatican has over recent decades issued blanket condemnations of artificial methods of birth control, in-vitro fertilization, therapeutic and reproductive cloning, and human embryonic stem cell research.

    FORBES: Venter and the Vatican

  • "Governor Rick Perry should not be able to decide which health centers a woman can go to for birth control, well-woman exams or cancer screenings, " Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards said.


  • As an animal rights activist I can chime in as follows: were it not for the technologies of immuno-contraception (birth control for other species) there would be an even more vast realm of needless suffering.

    FORBES: Most Read on

  • He was at the FDA during the initial consideration of the request to sell the so-called morning after birth control over the counter.

    NPR: Medicare Chief Reportedly Ready to Step Down

  • Ortho-McNeil's birth control patch is called Ortho Evra.

    NPR: FDA Orders Label For Contraceptive Patch

  • After the market closed Thursday Conceptus, which makes a nonincisional permanent birth control method, cut its second-quarter and full-year outlooks, citing the weak economy and high unemployment, which it said is causing would-be patients to put off their doctor visits.


  • Mr Connelly starts with the 19th-century campaigners who published illegal manuals on birth control.

    ECONOMIST: Population control

  • If cost-takeouts are the only road to profitability, are the insurers prepared to deal with pesky little matters like the public funding of birth control, abortion, home births and c-sections, i.e.

    FORBES: Those Pesky Implementation Details

  • Obama promised to change the birth control requirement so insurance companies and not faith-affiliated employers would pay for the coverage, but religious leaders said more changes were needed to make the plan work.

    NPR: Obama Birth Control Mandates Loosens Lawsuits

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