The birth control pill is actually a very good therapy for mild to moderate acne.
CNN: Could stopping the pill be causing my acne?
She eventually heard about the birth control pill from neighbors, but did not know how it worked.
CNN: In Philippines, a 14-year fight for birth control
Across the state at Eastern Virginia Medical School, researchers are studying a birth control pill that would give women just four menstrual periods a year.
CNN: Emerging contraceptive options
This move comes just weeks after a federal judge in Brooklyn, New York, ordered the FDA to make the morning-after birth control pill available to women of any age, without a prescription.
For example, conventional wisdom in the West is that the birth-control pill was an essential step toward women's liberation.
ECONOMIST: The new women in Japan
But the preparation he was using was then reformulated as the birth-control pill.
It is not only a series of popes but also a number of prominent secular thinkers who believe that the birth-control pill has been one of the major milestones in human history a diverse group that runs from public intellectuals of a previous generation like Walter Lippmann to such contemporary scholars as Francis Fukuyama and Robert Putnam.
WSJ: Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good for Women? Mary Eberstadt: No
Last summer the health department decreed that all new health-insurance policies should cover birth-control services for women, including the morning-after pill (which most pro-lifers consider a form of abortion) and sterilisation.
ECONOMIST: Lexington
She suggested women who had completed their families should consider a permanent form of birth control such as sterilisation, and those who still wanted to have a family considered using a back-up form of birth control, such as a condom, as well as the Pill.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Pill 'fails more in obese women'
Evangelicals generally permit the use of birth control, but they object to specific methods such as the morning-after contraceptive pill, which they argue is tantamount to abortion.
NPR: Obama Birth Control Mandates Loosens Lawsuits
The morning-after pill contains a higher dose of the female progestin hormone than is in regular birth control pills.
WSJ: Obama faces choice on morning-after pill limits