There are also exaggerated doubts and fears about birth control pills, the study said.
The morning-after pill contains a higher dose of the female progestin hormone than is in regular birth control pills.
Research has also shown the hormones in birth control pills can help prevent ovarian cysts, benign breast disease and acne.
Under that definition, birth control pills are clearly deductible and are called out as deductible in IRS Publication 502.
What hasn't changed is the need for women in the U.S. to have a doctor's prescription in order to receive birth control pills.
"We've also used birth control pills to eliminate periods in women suffering from endometriosis, " said Dr. Sarah Berga, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
It found that while the number of women using regular birth control pills had remained steady, the use of patches, intrauterine devices and injections had grown.
The vaccine differs from birth control pills not only in the size of its benefit to recipients, but also because the vaccine benefits more than simply the person who receives it.
FORBES: The Pill, the Pox and the Limits of Religious Freedom
The battle over birth control pills is far over.
FORBES: The Pill, the Pox and the Limits of Religious Freedom
But consider that Catholic business owner fighting not to offer health insurance that covers birth control pills: suppose the public agrees that it is in his right to deny this to his female employees.
FORBES: The Pill, the Pox and the Limits of Religious Freedom
Many of the people surveyed said they did not know much about contraception to begin with -- 63 percent said they knew little or nothing about birth control pills, and 30 percent said they had scant knowledge about condoms.
In the past year, America's political leaders have laid before the nation the question of whether universities should be required to give free birth-control pills and devices to their students.
WSJ: Christopher DeMuth: A Referendum on ObamaCare and Liberty
The drug works by using high doses of the female hormone progestin, which also is contained in birth-control pills, to block a potentially fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's uterus.
WSJ: Judge Eases Restrictions on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive
Schering AG, which operates under the name of Berlex Laboratories in the U.S., is a big player in birth-control pills, has blockbuster in the multiple sclerosis treatment Betaseron, and is developing some promising cancer drugs.
For those who need to spend the money in their flexible health spending account by the end of the year, the Chicago Tribune supplies a long list of items that qualify, including sunscreen and birth-control pills.
The drug works by using high doses of the female hormone progestin, which also is contained in birth-control pills, to prevent ovulation or block a potentially fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's uterus, according to the drug's label.
WSJ: Judge Eases Restrictions on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive