That this is also an argument for increasing the birth rate seems not to occur.
It's too early to tell whether this recession has crimped the birth rate, Haub said.
However, the government says the number of midwives is now increasing faster than the birth rate.
The fertility regulator, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, aims to reduce the multiple birth rate.
The average birth rate in the U.S. has fallen to 1.93 children per couple.
The decline of marriage is also contributing to the collapse in the birth rate.
The birth rate increased by 7.6% while the death rate modestly declined by 2.2%.
America's weak economy, and the falling birth rate in Mexico further reduce the incentives to cross.
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But it is rising per student, as a low birth rate reduces the number of matriculations.
Dr Barr stressed that since 2002 the birth rate in Wales has increased by 20%.
Once the emergency was lifted, the birth rate rocketed, but has since come down again.
Others will be expanded to take account of increases in the birth rate and new housing developments.
In the past decade, the birth rate among Ethiopian-Israelis has declined by at least 20 percent.
FORBES: Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims
After the bans in 2007 and 2010, the premature birth rate dropped by around 3% each time.
It's already Europe's most densely populated country and migrant arrivals are equivalent to half the annual birth rate.
Singapore's birth rate according to its National Population and Talent Division currently stands at 1.2 per woman.
Ms O'Conner said a rising birth rate and new housing developments had led to the shortage of places.
And with a birth rate at just 14 per 1, 000 inhabitants--the lowest in South America--it's not getting any younger.
The reason for this is improving health care, allowing people to live longer, coupled with a declining birth rate.
In fact, even if the restrictions were loosened immediately the birth rate might not tick up by very much.
It has a lower birth rate than the north and also has net emigration, particularly of the young and educated.
Mr Medvedev oversaw major social initiatives in the areas of agriculture, health, education and efforts to boost Russia's low birth rate.
But given the low birth rate over the past 30 years, the supply of young workers is not, in fact, endless.
FUNAI, the government agency responsible for aiding and protecting Indians, reckons their birth rate is now 10% above the Brazilian average.
There is concern over Italy's birth rate - the lowest in Europe - and the economic implications of an ageing population.
Thus the lower birth rate leads to less people, but happier people.
And the birth rate for third and fourth children was rising: between 1940 and 1960, the birth rate for fourth children tripled.
Although the overall birth rate in the east is low, highly educated women do not have fewer babies, as in the west.
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Other reasons for the system's survival include the collapse in the birth rate, and the generous staffing levels adopted in Soviet days.
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That population is growing more rapidly than any other rich country's, but this owes more to a healthy birth rate than to immigration.