What are the principal lessons learnt from these studies carried out in Senegal, Guinea-Bissau and Gambia?
For at least a decade, Guinea-Bissau has played a key role in the drug trade.
He later fled to nearby Gambia in August 2008, returning to Guinea-Bissau over a year later.
According to the organisation, thousands of children are being trafficked between Senegal and neighbouring Guinea-Bissau.
Coups and coup attempts are common in Guinea-Bissau since it won independence from Portugal in 1974.
The Guinea-Bissau army was the main source of weapons and ammunition for the MFDC.
Guinea-Bissau, on the swampy west African coast, cannot rival nearby countries in cocoa production or mining.
Similarly, the economies of Liberia and Guinea Bissau, added together, are smaller than the economy of Blackpool.
He later fled to nearby Gambia in August 2008, returning to Guinea Bissau over a year later.
But the Bissau magistrates' union says that the correct procedures for destroying the drugs were not followed.
West African leaders have agreed to send troops to Mali and Guinea-Bissau following coups in both countries.
The men were taken into custody Thursday night, as gunfire and explosions rocked the capital of Bissau.
Less successful have been Senegal's intervention in Guinea-Bissau in June and South Africa's recent venture into Lesotho.
Last year the UN Security Council warned that renewed political instability was allowing drug-trafficking to flourish in Guinea-Bissau.
The parliament went on to discuss the situation in Guinnea-Bissau, which is being ruled by a military junta.
Prosecutors said the evidence includes a series of audio recordings and videotaped meetings over several months in Guinea-Bissau.
Guinea-Bissau's military junta handed power back to a civilian government six weeks after the army staged a coup.
It operates on a sub-regional level and involves five countries: Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde.
The U.S. Embassy in Senegal said the situation in Guinea-Bissau is unclear, but it is closely monitoring events.
Coups can be a lucrative business, and although its main export is cashew nuts, Guinea-Bissau offers tempting opportunities.
The state-run papers did not say just what it was that lured Guinea-Bissau into the arms of another.
Launched on 25 November 2008, the pilot focused on five countries: Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal and The Gambia.
One of these pilot projects is taking place in Varela, Guinea Bissau, where extremely rapid coastal erosion is occurring.
It urged U.S. citizens to remain where they are and avoid downtown Bissau.
Guinea Bissau will announce the results of Sunday's elections in about a week.
It may be that his motivation in helping the rebels was simply to expand the influence of the Bissau-Guinean army.
He apparently feared for his life and sought refuge inside the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in Bissau, the country's capital.
Fernando Vaz, the spokesman for the government of Guinea-Bissau, said he hoped America would provide Na Tchuto a fair legal defense.
The U.S. believes the former navy chief also was involved in organizing an April 2010 attempt to overthrow the Guinea-Bissau government.
"We are disheartened by the negative turn of events so soon after the first round of Guinea-Bissau's presidential election, " it said.