She hears him say, "Bitch, bitch, bitch, " over and over, and then the real pain begins.
She's sublime it's as if her bitch-goddess Catwoman had joined the cast of Dynasty.
The bitch-and-moan club has millions of members, yet creates nothing but anger and frustration.
He would call her a "dirty bitch" and said she needed to keep clean, the jury heard.
Bitch made Iggy Pop look chub, and every summer she caused a serious commotion at the pool.
Their friends and colleagues 7 Year Bitch even named an album after the singer they called it Viva Zapata.
In less polite corners of the Internets, they call that a bitch slap.
The assertive-to-bitch line is crossed when a woman gets personal about something professional.
Facebook addicts will bitch and moan, non-facebook addicts will be annoyed that facebook addicts are only talking about facebook.
FORBES: Facebook Engineer Discussed 'Hypothetical' Outage Last Week
"I would be very entertaining, " she said after showing me a large tattoo on her back which reads "bitch".
By second grade I was being regularly informed that I was a bitch.
About 30 people attended the Stitch 'n Bitch with Bridget session at the Ritzy cinema in Brixton, south-west London.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Chicks knit at first flick meet
In fact, Ms. Wright's Claire eschews the traditional trophy-wife stereotyping altogether (while wholeheartedly embracing another: that of the coldhearted bitch).
Go bitch to Johnson, who still has a 386SX running Windows 3.1!
Is known in some circles as Depressing: The Game, since the second playthrough and true ending will leave you crying bitch tears.
For 2011, Ally, our white standard poodle bitch won 65 Best in Shows and was the number one non-sporting dog in the country.
He said he expected to be fined and was shocked when Peterhead Sheriff Court decided the three-year-old collie-boxer cross bitch should be put down.
In the 1990 Raid Gauloises, four members of a German team abandoned the fifth in the Costa Rican jungle, yelling, "You are a bitch!"
Then it's my friends: Can I create something they will think is cool even though they have to listen to me bitch all the time?