"AIDS in America continues to be a black disease as manifested by the numbers, " Wilson said.
The Black AIDS Institute in Los Angeles recently released a report declaring that AIDS in America is a black disease.
Black poplars are threatened by disease and the hope is that the discovery of the new clones will help identify strains that will be resistant.
BBC: Black poplar trees found in Denbighshire lay-by 'unique'
"There's no question that we're approaching the terminal stage of the disease, " says Black.
For example, some studies have shown that 80 percent of all black women suffer from some form of fibroid disease.
Could you imagine a disease that afflicted 80 percent of black men that black women would be largely ignorant of?
Six centuries after the Black Death ravaged Europe, the gruesomeness of the disease and its hopeless, unavoidable death sentence still assault the human psyche.
In my case, it was only while sitting down and reading June Jordan's "Some of Us Did Not Die" weeks after the legendary writer did succumb to breast cancer that I began to wrap my head around the disease's impact, specifically on black women.
Though more white women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, black women are far more likely to die from the disease.
The current wave of viral panic is of course the most recent chapter in a very long history of epidemics: Ebola in the 1990s, mad cow disease in the 1980s, polio in the 1930s and 1940s, the black death in the 14th century, and so on.
By 1898, the 38-year-old Chekhov had moved to Yalta on the Black Sea, in the vain hope that its balmy climate would aid his struggle against his disease.
Others tackled heart disease, stroke, and drug abuse and HIV - all of which disproportionately affect the black community.
Lord Black's defenders argue that the cure has been worse for Hollinger's shareholders than the disease though prosecutors would no doubt retort that breaking the law deserves punishment regardless.
Breast cancer screening is in fact based on a radiation benefit ratio, not cost, but suppose that anaysis were to show that the screening should be different for black women, either earlier because of age as above, or avoided completely because of the lower rate of disease and higher radiation sensitivity in youger women making it more likely to kill than cure.