He wore a black patch over his left eye.
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Keep moving across the top back and you'll find a small black plastic patch, similar in feel to the plastic section on the top of the iPad.
ENGADGET: iPod touch review (2012)
Some of these features will merely assist the driver by, for example, pointing out a patch of black ice around the next bend.
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The only serious accident I've had in my life didn't involve a distraction at all, but a patch of unexpected black ice and a sudden crosswind that sent me fishtailing at 70 m.p.h. off the interstate into an Iowa ditch filled, thankfully, with two feet of snow.
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Each patch includes the Newtown seal, a black memorial ribbon and 26 small stars.
WSJ: MLB teams honor Newtown victims before openers
Both teams wore a patch that included the Newtown seal, a black memorial ribbon and 26 stars, one for each victim.
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