Black pepper is considered to be black gold, and was once exchanged for gold as a barter.
In February this year, we also launched the black pepper future, which was the first futures contract for the commodity.
Add black pepper to taste, then spoon the stem mixture over the top, being sure to include all the juices.
Black pepper flourishes in the tropical climes of the southern state of Kerala, and is one of India's prized spices.
Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, sprinkle with the salt, black pepper, and cayenne, and toss gently to coat.
Try the cacio e pepe (traditional Roman pasta with Pecorino Romana and black pepper) and linguina alla siciliana (pasta with wild fennel, red prawn and cumin).
Some farmers are successfully growing black pepper, pineapples and passion fruit.
Cancers and tumors can only exist in a predominantly lower pH (acidic) environment caused by a diet rich in dairy foods, meats, grain products, sweets and strong condiments such as black pepper.
Sin Hwa Dee's first premix, the Laksa Paste, was launched into the food services market under the CHNG Kee's label in 1994, followed by the Kung Bo Sauce, the Black Pepper Sauce and their famous chicken rice mix.
When we launched the black pepper futures many people asked us why, since most people don't start with that as their first agricultural commodities product, but we thought we could have an advantage with that as an early mover.
To finish a stir-fry, they sprinkled on a bit of the ground spice just as if it were black or white pepper.
The penguins are these itty-bitty black dots that pepper the ice.
Veterinarians take note:A black Labrador, Pepper, is in the works.
At Chocheng, where Lebenthal has shopped for clothes for several evening events, her favorites included satin evening gowns and a black-and-white pepper tweed pantsuit, which she singled out as perfect for the office.
Professor Rajan Gerta, from Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala, said that there are many references to "ships coming with gold, and going back with 'black gold'" - pepper.
Opened in 1986, El Celler is known for dishes that blend innovative cooking techniques with traditional ingredients, such as lobster parmentier with black trumpets and Iberian suckling pig with pepper sauce and garlic and quince terrine.
The meat-heavy stop, situated just north of downtown in the industrial Holy Cross area, is home to a full menu of housemade charcuterie from the Spicy Delaware Meatball, a pork salami packed with crushed chili, espelette pepper and garlic, to black truffle bologna.
Thanks to a few incidents where he needed to change a tyre on a rental car, Dan Pepper said he never travels without a black nylon raincoat with a pouch.
Brocia may be worldly but he is no James Bond, with his wire framed glasses, faded black shirt, corduroys, and unruly salt-and-pepper hair.