• The Nutters blacken their faces to reflect the mining traditions of the group.

    BBC: Bacup Coco-nut dancers' plight raised in Parliament

  • Yet even the great Venetian colourists were prey to pigments' tricks: vermilion reds that blacken and ultramarine skies that fade.

    ECONOMIST: Science and history of colour

  • The innocent man later told the Leveson Inquiry that once his name was out, he suffered a "frenzied campaign to blacken his character".

    BBC: Will police stop naming suspects?

  • He now leads the centrist opposition Hromoda party and has accused President Kuchma and his allies of trying to blacken his name with corruption charges.

    BBC: News | Europe | Swiss arrest former Ukrainian PM

  • Earlier, Mr Smith suggested Mr Philpott had been trying to blacken his wife's name by bringing up stories of drugs and sex - an accusation he denied.

    BBC: Mick Philpott

  • At the conclusion of her evidence, Mrs Philpott denied all three defendants had "thought up" the fire as a way to blacken the name of her husband's former mistress.

    BBC: Derby fire deaths: 'Possible' that Mick Philpott set fire

  • Much of this oil, described by some as having the sticky consistency of chewing gum, came back to blacken hundreds of miles of coastline in Spain and in neighboring France.


  • In a witness statement at his appearance at the Leveson Inquiry in November, Mr Jefferies told of a "frenzied campaign to blacken his character" by the tabloid press which had "decided he was guilty of the murder".

    BBC: Christopher Jefferies

  • LVMH's allegations, on the other hand, is that in an interview with Corriere della Sera, an Italian newspaper, in April 2001, Claire Kent, Morgan Stanley's luxury-goods analyst, tried to blacken the firm's reputation so as to enhance the image of Gucci.

    ECONOMIST: Did Morgan Stanley systematically denigrate LVMH?

  • With almost voyeuristic minuteness he has found out that when a body is deprived of water, the lips shrink as if amputated, the gums blacken, the nose withers to half its length, and the skin so contracts round the eyes as to prevent blinking.

    ECONOMIST: The cannibalism of the sea

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