Islamic law bans any depiction of the prophet, and Muslims consider likenesses of Mohammed blasphemous.
The video for Like A Prayer also brought condemnation from groups claiming it was blasphemous.
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Both shows were slapped with a 100, 000 Euro fine in December for blasphemous language and swearing.
The book was banned in India in 1988 for its "blasphemous content hurting the sentiments of Muslims".
Anyone who finds Will Self's critique of Revelation blasphemous must at least accept that he recognises its power.
In the early second century, a majority of bishops in Asia Minor voted to condemn the text as blasphemous.
His polarizing commentaries and theories have been misconstrued as being blasphemous and overtly contradict the fundamental pillars of baseball.
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He was a self-described curmudgeon, often blunt, blasphemous and unbending yet extremely smart and seasoned in the news business.
At any street corner we may meet a man who utters the frantic and blasphemous statement that he may be wrong.
Islamic toys do not depict the Prophet Muhammad (that would be blasphemous).
That group of possibly blasphemous things including the Apple logo.
FORBES: Is The Apple Logo Blasphemous? Depends Upon Your Definition of Blasphemy
The film "Submission" was heavily criticized by Dutch Muslims, who found it blasphemous - a view clearly shared by many Muslims in the audience at NewsXchange.
The vigorous responses on ESPN, talk radio and in cyberspace are fierce rebukes directed at the five-time champion for declaring what many commentators, bloggers and pundits deem blasphemous.
Morris Lapidus's hotels were loved by, or at least charmed, almost everyone except writers on architecture, who saw them as a blasphemous assault on the holy writ of austere functionality.
If, for instance, a Catholic sees a relic in a pawnshop, he or she is obliged to buy it, so that it won't be used for blasphemous purposes by a nonbeliever.
The trouble is that many rich and educated Arabs may use a magician to invoke a djinn to sort out their problems, and they certainly do not consider the practice blasphemous.
But the thing about the annual culture war that would probably most surprise those who want to "keep the Christ in Christmas" is this: The original Puritan Protestants regarded the whole enterprise as blasphemous.
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"There is no way of getting around its contents, which to many in the Latter-day Saints community will be horrendous, shocking, profane, blasphemous, and something that they will want nothing to do with, " Mr. Ballard said.
Patriarch Kirill has described the punk performance as blasphemous and part of a broader attack on the church, which is considered by many Russians essential to their national identity and an intrinsic part of a powerful state.
Buchanan also has said the United Nations should be moved from the United States and that he would shut down the National Endowment for the Arts because it supports what he describes as obscene and blasphemous projects.