It was said that there were great opportunities for younger railroads in the blighted areas.
Ms Haley said the area had been "blighted" for 44 years and they had "had enough".
The financing scandal blighted the reputation of one of Western Europe's longest-serving post-war leaders, Helmut Kohl.
But with terrible irony, the replacement housing itself gradually became a blighted locus of social problems.
In blighted Bradford acres were demolished to make way for a shopping centre that remains unbuilt.
The choice to climb the corporate ladder or travel the world building medical clinics in blighted countries.
The Exiles' fly-half made his debut against France in 2007 but has been blighted by injuries since.
But, for others, the adverse conditions that have blighted much of the country for months are far more than that.
The 65-acre site has been blighted by problems - vandalism, anti-social behaviour, thefts and dozens of deliberate fires.
Pokuta's lawyer said his life had blighted by the use of drugs and alcohol, but he had expressed remorse.
BBC: 'Wicked' thief Marion Pokuta targeted elderly in Bradford
Homeowners say it's already too late to stop their properties from being blighted.
Businesses and investors that wouldn't otherwise give these blighted areas a second glance react to the incentives and invest.
"Industry as we developed it wouldn't be considered blighted under today's standards, " admits Graham Ritchie, a former city attorney.
Newcastle's annual travelling fair, the Hoppings, which is continually blighted by rain has been postponed, council bosses have confirmed.
Lorenzo, who finished runner-up to Rossi in last season's championship, was thrilled with second place after his injury-blighted pre-season.
BBC: Valentino Rossi wins Qatar MotoGP as Stoner crashes out
Odinga's party had earlier claimed victory in the election, which has been blighted by violent clashes between rival supporters.
Venezuela's prisons are blighted by overcrowding and the proliferation of weapons and drugs.
However, Dr Murray's apparent success was blighted by outstanding debts and tax demands.
Sewers in an Oxfordshire town which have been blighted by flooding and blockages for the past decade are being repaired.
Yet the meeting has been enjoying record attendances, who are hoping further races will not be blighted by further problems.
Tuesday's strike blighted the journey of thousands of passengers after First North Western was forced to cancel all train services.
Fraser said he had held talks with the 32-year-old, who played in 10 Tests for England in an injury-blighted career.
The task force was created after a series of incidents of racist abuse which have blighted the sport in recent years.
Spain and Italy -- two other countries blighted by the eurozone debt crisis -- have also seen demonstrations on the streets.
Mr. Oldman's emphasis is on self-containment, but what his Smiley seems to contain is all the wisdom of a blighted world.
Ms. Huxtable used the word "urbicide" to describe cities in the 1960s, blighted by decay, uncontrolled development, social maladies and pollution.
Driving into Antananarivo also brought a pleasant surprise - the giant potholes which had blighted the capital had all been repaired.
Only New Zealand, their own campaign blighted by the forfeited match in Nairobi, were mourned as casualties of the second round.
But BAR endured another frustrating session as they continued to be dogged by the engine problems that have blighted their season.
He said he thought the road widening was important as it would bring jobs to an area blighted by high unemployment.