Our two-, four- and six-year-olds clutching their sleeping bags and comfort bears and blindly following us to, well--where?
Ms Villiers said the Conservatives were not prepared to "blindly accept" the route proposed by ministers.
The official added that Northern Ireland was not going to "blindly follow decisions made elsewhere".
Making us mangle wire hangers to activate blindly some tiny reset hole in the back?
Oh, and another thing: Naidu taught me not to blindly follow my first impressions.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | South Asian of the Year: Chandrababu Naidu
This means not blindly applying rules to all in an equal, unbending and algorithmic fashion.
FORBES: The Debate Continues: Do You Prefer Superstar Individuals or Effective Teams?
Could the reason be that many in the media are blindly blaming guns, not criminals?
We often did, but on this occasion Tony turned off the footpath and I blindly followed.
The tribalists badly underestimated Mr Cameron, blindly dismissing him as a jejune, upstart toff.
Bears like to think of themselves as one-eyed rationalists in the kingdom of the blindly insane.
Blindly inflate numbers based on how the event did the previous year in another city.
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Rizzi found himself clawing through a panicked crowd that surged blindly toward the door.
So rather than blindly following the mantra, analyze the root cause of the problem at hand.
Other spacecraft sailed blindly past Mars or burned up in the planet's atmosphere during landing attempts.
Our target should always be educating children, not blindly adding jobs to an education bureaucracy.
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Gangs, and the willingness to follow gang leaders blindly by members is evident throughout Thailand.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Thailand gun battles: Your views
Genes simply blindly code for the production of proteins, blissfully unaware of their ultimate long-range effects.
ECONOMIST: Morality and the brain: Medical diagnosis of malfeasance | The
Unfortunately no one seems to understand that, and we continue to chase blindly after failed economic models.
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Usually this means that anyone who can get a consulting or banking job follows the path blindly.
Like Ulevitch, Kaminsky had found that DNS could do more than blindly send users to their online destinations.
Gradually a wider range of materials will be accepted and buyers won't blindly follow overseas brands, Lo says.
Will Americans give thought to their ways this November and not blindly follow the first to present his case?
To clarify: not everyone who sees her point of view or agrees with the video is blindly following her.
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"We need to look at what's happening to our woodlands, rather than blindly continuing to plant more, " he added.
With her new telecommuting policy, Mayer blindly eradicated the symptom, not the problem.
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He implored investors to do their homework rather than blindly following lead investors.
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The group asks all Americans to urge politicians to solve our problems rather than blindly follow pledges or party platforms.
Before investors blindly turn over precious hard earned money to money managers perhaps a little due diligence is in order.
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Ms Lagarde said eurozone countries should not blindly stick to tough budget deficit targets if growth weakens more than expected.