Since the AMF has a duty to protect minorities' interests, the regulator may indeed block the plan.
In July Allstate lashed back by threatening to exit the Louisiana homeowner's insurance market altogether if regulators block its plan to drop wind and hail coverage.
Residents met Southampton councillors on Monday to ask them to block the new plan.
They join things, plan block parties, and get involved in the community.
Block had a conscious plan to target the class to take advantage of them.
Last year, in an attempt to block Obama's plan to nationalize healthcare, Massachusetts voters elected Republican Scott Brown to the Senate.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Scott Brown Precedent and Israel
But a plan to block them from doing that was itself blocked.
The U.S. House of Representatives agrees with the governors and included a plan to block grant Medicaid funds in its Fiscal Year 2012 budget.
Lawyers for a group seeking to block sections of the plan argued the Irish government is no longer committed to funding the overall upgrade.
Shortly after Mr. Obama's inauguration, he and some congressional Democrats were pushing a plan to block managers of hedge funds and private-equity funds from paying a low 15% capital-gains tax rate on part of their income.
The investor, known for his interventions in the management of other publicly traded companies, has also threatened to put up his own candidates to replace the current directors on the company's board, in order to implement his plan and block Mr Dell's buyout offer.
The Old Firm's decision to block the SPL's plan for its own, subscription-based television channel.
And yet, the party ended the same convention by resolving to block Mr Brown's plan wholesale, opposing even the cuts.
ECONOMIST: The plan to fix California��s budget has run into problems
The plan is to block telomerase, an enzyme that prevents the ends of DNA and seems to prevent cells from aging.
Mr Cameron is under intense pressure from his own backbenchers, and many Tory grandees in the Lords, to block his deputy's plan.
More recently, it helped to block Mr Bush's plan to reform Social Security by allowing people to divert a portion of their Social Security taxes into private accounts.
Citigroup, meanwhile, saw the Fed block its capital-return plan, just as it did in 2011 to BofA, which did not even propose raising its dividend or buying back stock in 2012.
FORBES: Earnings: Are Big Banks Like JPMorgan Ready To Rock, Or Roll Over?
It is now The Republican Budget- the plan that would end Medicare as we know it while forcing elderly out of nursing homes by converting Medicaid to a block grant program and the plan for America that the GOP will have to run on in 2012.
After the attack on the World Trade Center, a block from AmEx headquarters, the plan was scrapped.
Leahy, however, has said he does not plan a filibuster to block a Senate vote on Ashcroft.
McConnell on Monday dismissed the idea that Republicans are trying to block passage of the economic stimulus plan.
The city teachers union on Friday threatened to go to court to block the Bloomberg administration's plan to replace staff at 33 troubled schools as the city moved ahead with preparations to close the schools.
U.S. District Court Judge Edward Korman has said that politics was behind efforts by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to block the unrestricted sale of the Plan B One-Step morning-after pill and its generic competitors.
Amid its difficulties, Biogen put itself on the block in 2007, then dropped the plan.
What the Republican plan would do would be to block-grant it, give a great deal of flexibility to the states, and lower funding, and tell the states you run your programs with less money.
By 2020, synagogue leaders plan to have overhauled the entire block of Wilshire Boulevard that the temple occupies, replacing a parking lot with schools, a public exhibition space and a social services center that will include a food pantry and medical, dental and other services that will be open to everyone in the multiethnic neighborhood.
During the war he formed a 12-member opposition block in the Serb parliament and backed every peace plan.
And it has required all hands on deck, said Kevin Lejda, assistant superintendent of the transportation division, who helped develop the plan to restore service using the manual block.
On the ratification in the Senate, do you all have any early indication of whether any of the Republicans in the Senate do plan on blocking it or trying to block it?