Fink, during an October 19 conference, according to a recent article in Bloomberg News.
Huang denied he made this statement in a call with Bloomberg News Monday morning.
Bloomberg News recently debuted their own live streaming app that comes with additional content.
"Everyone was shaking their heads, '" says Pollock, who reports on the art market for Bloomberg news.
"I'm not in the business of giving investment advice, " Friedland recently told Bloomberg News.
We talk just as much to editors at Bloomberg News as we do at Bloomberg BusinessWeek.
According to Bloomberg News, nearly half a billion dollars has been lavished on it.
FORBES: The Super Bowl Blackout: "An Abnormality In The System"
Bloomberg News is out with a new poll that reveals an amazing piece of data.
FORBES: The Best Kept Secret In American Politics-Federal Budget Deficits Are Actually Shrinking!
Years ago, back in the dawn of online journalism, I worked for Bloomberg News.
Bloomberg News reported Tuesday that the courts have discouraged awarding punitive damages in recent years.
According to Bloomberg News, China plans on stockpiling more oil to reduce its local price fluctuations.
The lender is also seeking buyers for its Japanese consumer-banking unit, Bloomberg News reported.
News of the talks between Volvo and Mr. Lin was reported Tuesday by Bloomberg News.
Bloomberg News is owned by Bloomberg LP, a private company controlled by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
"History would suggest that maybe this crisis is not really over, " Roubini told Bloomberg News in May.
On Thursday, Bloomberg News reported that Mr. Caballero had raised concerns about the antenna to Mr. Jobs.
And when a partner stopped logging into his terminal, Bloomberg News inquired whether that partner had left Goldman.
FORBES: Goldman Complains About Bloomberg's Electronic Snooping
The "market can be very surprisingly positive" Belski told Bloomberg News in August.
Meanwhile, Clark Hoyt, editor-at-large at Bloomberg News, will conduct a review of Bloomberg News' relationship to the company's commercial operations.
WSJ: Bloomberg Taps Ex-IBM Chief Palmisano to Look Into Data Practices
Friday morning, I switched intermittently between Classic Vinyl, Siriusly Sinatra and Bloomberg News on channel 113 and CNBC on 112.
FORBES: Stock Rally Springs A Few Leaks, Time To Go Fishin' Again
Bloomberg news says increased Chinese competition has hit European wind- and solar-power firms hard, and several of them now face bankruptcy.
The technical means by which Bloomberg News reporters gained access to this customer information is a Bloomberg terminal function called UUID.
FORBES: Goldman Complains About Bloomberg's Electronic Snooping
On Monday, Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief Matthew Winkler apologized for the practice, which he said had been going on since the 1990s.
That put it ahead of Dell, which rose to 12.9% from 12%, according to data collected by the Bloomberg news agency.
According to an article in Bloomberg News, hospital and medical device stocks plunged after the report was issued on Friday.
FORBES: CMS Tightening the Screws on Unnecessary Procedures in Florida and 10 Other States
"The investigations will point out to us if that is the case, " Mr Chabane is quoted by Bloomberg news agency as saying.
Shangri-La Asia, which runs 71 luxury hotels around the world, has temporarily stopped importing fresh food from Japan, according to Bloomberg News.
Apple has slashed iPad orders by 25%, according to research report from JPMorgan Chase picked up by Bloomberg News late Sunday.
FORBES: Apple Cuts iPad Orders 25%, JPMorgan Says [Update: Blame Brazil?]
"I am very bearish on everything, " Marc Faber recently told Bloomberg News.
The Blackstone Group may bid as part of a group including other investors, Bloomberg News said yesterday, citing one unnamed source.
FORBES: As Dell's Deadline For Rival Offers Nears, Blackstone May Enter Fray, Drive Up Bid Price