The Blu-ray DiscTM name and Blu-ray DiscTM logo are registered trademarks of the Blu-ray Disc Association.
While we hope that the Blu-ray Disc Association can work out the kinks, there is real promise in the format.
Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D and BD-Live are trademarks of Blu-ray Disc Association.
ENGADGET: Pioneer's 3D Blu-ray compatible, Netflix streaming player triumvirate now shipping
The Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) is responsible for promoting and developing business opportunities for Blu-ray Disc - the next-generation optical disc format for storing high-definition movies, games, photos and other digital content.
"Professional industries have expressed a desire to find optical disc solutions that enable them to transition away from magnetic media for their archiving needs, " said Victor Matsuda, Blu-ray Disc Association Global Promotions Committee chair.
European regulators have begun an inquiry into possible antitrust and anticompetitive practices by the Blu-ray Disc Association as it relates to agreements and restrictions on producing content for Blu-ray and its competing high-definition format, HD DVD.
ENGADGET: European Commission looks into Blu-ray studio agreements
Now that the PlayStation 3 has launched in North America several members of the Blu-ray Disc Association (Twentieth Century Fox, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Sony and Warner Bros.) are pushing the "Experience Blu" ad campaign via print, online and television.
ENGADGET: BDA wants you to "Experience Blu" with new ad campaign HD
For instance, the new 3:1 sales figure being touted by the Blu-ray Disc Association in regards to Blu-ray to HD DVD sales is claimed by Wynendaele to be artificially inflated by free Blu-ray movie vouchers being redeemed by PlayStation 3 owners.
ENGADGET: Toshiba not so impressed by Blu-ray's victory cries HD
The Blu-ray Disc Association fired back to this blow after a few mixed retailer wins with Blockbuster, Target and BJ's by noting the strong supply of Blu-ray titles in the queue and the planned Blu-ray release of Disney's "platinum" titles, the crown jewels of the Magic Kingdom.
ENGADGET: Switched On: Seeking neutrality in the hi-def format war