He does not seem eager to wield his Bible as a bludgeon against those who see things differently.
As Malone's clout grew, he used it to bludgeon foes, defend friends and build his own equity stake.
Looks like Facebook is going to bludgeon the public into submission with Facebook Home being advertised absolutely everywhere.
FORBES: Facebook Ready To Spend Heavily To Promote A Successful Facebook Home Launch
They said he may have tapped him with a flashlight, but he didn't bludgeon him with a flashlight.
Tomas O'Leary took the quick free-kick and David Wallace was able to bludgeon his way over for a try.
And Mr Cardoso must cajole or bludgeon the governors of the country's 27 states into making their own economies.
The ruling goes on to detail the ways in which Microsoft used its monopoly power to bludgeon the competition.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Cover: 'Microsoft Enjoys Monopoly Power...'
What is more likely is that Democrats will use the process to bludgeon Republicans even more in the eyes of Latino voters.
FORBES: California Republicans Need To Cooperate With Latinos On Border Issues
The Springbok back row smashed big dents in the Welsh defensive line on many occasions and Wales had no real answer to this attacking bludgeon.
"My deepest thanks to the members of the Academy for whacking me with the handsomest bludgeon in town, " Day-Lewis said, holding Oscar in his hand.
Republican Mitt Romney, who must be getting desperate since he can't get beyond 15 percent in national polls, is using the case to bludgeon Rudy Giuliani.
"My deepest thanks to the members of the Academy for whacking me with the handsomest bludgeon in town, " the British actor said as he accepted the award.
Guilford researchers hope to find a chemical that can block this enzyme, thereby stopping the toxic effects of glutamate without having to bludgeon brain-cell receptors with noxious chemicals.
Paul Collingwood saw Sehwag bludgeon his first two deliveries over mid-off and midwicket for sixes but that over, which went for 19 runs, was a sign of things to come.
He said, look, I think things work best when we spread the wealth around a little bit and then that became something that his political opponents used to bludgeon him with.
The Swiss defender's awful miskick gave possession to Navas and his cross was only partially cleared by Gilberto allowing Keita to bludgeon a shot home with the outside of his left foot.
While Gordon Brown is seen as a bureaucratic centraliser, determined to bludgeon the public services into producing the outputs he requires, it is Mr Blair who is credited with being the would-be reformer, if an insufficiently dogged one.
The more likely outcome is that Republicans will bludgeon Democrats with the issue during this autumn's campaigns, then noisily demand revisions to the most contentious aspects of the health-reform law if they reclaim one or both chambers of Congress.
Just as Britain's affable Tony Blair took care to keep a foul-mouthed master of dark arts, Alastair Campbell, at his side, so is it the calling of Mr Emanuel to bludgeon underlings at the White House and former colleagues in Congress into obeying his master's commandments.