Michelle, her dad worked as a blue-collar worker for the City of Chicago.
And I share this often -- as many of you know, my father was a blue-collar worker at the city water plant.
He was a blue-collar worker, worked at a pumping station in Chicago.
If you're a blue-collar worker with a lower education level, this has hit you much harder than it has higher- educated white-collar workers.
They're the values that so many of us were raised with, including myself. (Applause.) I told this story earlier, but my father was a blue-collar worker at the city water plant.
And I would say people should check out opportunity.gov which has a number of -- lots of information about how to get training when you're laid off, particularly if you're a blue-collar worker and you can't afford it.
It is hard to overstate how revolutionary that rope and Andon board were for the auto industry: Allowing a mere blue-collar worker to stop the line would have been heresy in Detroit a few decades ago, as managers were more concerned about keeping up volume than quality.
Having managed her state's department responsible for oil and gas exploration and exploitation, having negotiated a long-delayed natural gas pipeline through Canada to the Lower 48 and having been married for nearly two decades to a blue-collar worker in Alaska's North Slope oil fields, she knows more about the subject than all three of the others on the two parties' tickets put together.
Last year he brought over 490 welders and metal-fitters from India on H-2B guest worker visas--ten-month visas for blue-collar laborers filling jobs that no American citizens want.
Robert "Big Red" Rankin is a retired chemical worker and union leader from the blue-collar city of Carson, south of Los Angeles, who recently attended the state party convention in San Jose.
Arrive at Doha airport on a late-night flight, and almost everyone in the arrivals hall is a blue collar, male worker from Asia.