But IBM also coded into Deep Blue a memory bank of Kasparov's playing tendencies.
When he was last seen he was wearing black trainers, dark blue or black jogging bottoms, a blue fleece and had a blue rain jacket.
The chain, which had scotched its signature blue A-frame design in favor of big boxes that can seat more customers, is testing a new prototype that uses the A-frame as a restaurant's entranceway.
In the first phase of the study, the researchers showed that their volunteers (Surrey university students) were slower to notice a target shade of blue when it flashed up against a blue background of a different hue than when it flashed up against a green background.
He would wear trousers made of green billiard cloth, a pink coat, a blue shirt, a tie hand-painted by a Japanese friend, an immense sombrero, a flaming beard cut to a point and a single large blue earring.
When last seen he was last seen wearing black trainers, dark blue or black jogging bottoms, a blue fleece and a black beanie hat.
School singers and their jazz band provided campaign music, and students acted as television moderators, conducting interviews and reporting electoral results by fixing either a blue or a red pin to a map of the United States.
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"I think you do get to the point where maybe everybody has a red and a blue and a black pair and they are looking for something else, and that was part of the strategy, " said Christy Saito, the company's vice president of product design.
Wearing a blue baseball cap and a green sweater over a shirt and blue jeans, he looked trim and fit, but his dark, angular face showed strain and despair and bitterness.
For the party, she lined the blue doughnuts along a big piece of Lucite over a blue piece of wrapping paper to make it look like a pool.
In minutes, the sky would turn from a perfect blue to a foreboding gray.
When Mr. Blagojevich arrived at the federal courthouse here on Tuesday to hear the verdict in his high-profile case, he looked as dapper as ever, wearing a crisp, dark blue tie with a light blue pattern.
Just last week, you were recognized by a National Blue Ribbon -- as a National Blue Ribbon School because of your record of achievement.
Colors on this thing span the Skittles rainbow of green, orange, red, blue and a new metallic blue, Azzurro Thetys, whose tone varies with the angle of the light.
He was wearing a blue jumper with a red motif on the left hand side.
Once you're going, your path is shown as a blue arrow over a scrolling map.
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She was last seen wearing a blue Nike hooded top, blue jeans and a black and white scarf.
Wearing blue jeans and a blue shirt, he has an easy charm about him in his confident English.
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Austin is a remarkably laid-back place, with all the advantages of being a blue city in a red state.
He was wearing a blue blazer, a navy shirt and grey slacks, and cradled an umbrella at his side.
Bowling Green is the only subway station that has one: Near the turnstiles at every subway entrance is a blue sign with a yellow ruler.
He arrived wearing a blue suit and a tie before prosecutors began outlining their case - expected to be a charge of premeditated murder that he will deny.
The watch's display comes in three natural colors -- we know red and green are on deck but the third remains a mystery (though blue seems a safe bet).
Their work took on a decidedly surreal edge with the Clangers, pink creatures with pointed noses who lived on a blue moon with a friendly soup dragon, and spoke in whistles.
What's more, this number is inflated by the generous inclusion of the Kansas Jayhawks (95-40), which aren't even real birds but a fictional hybrid of a blue jay and a hawk.
Dr Fril has used this knowledge to create a FrenchFlag fish, with a blue head, a white body and a red tail, and hopes to follow it soon with one depicting the stars and stripes.
Decked out in a blue suit and a red, polka-dotted tie with a matching handkerchief in his breast pocket, he stands with guests for pictures alongside three silver Super Bowl trophies, which gleam and wink in the lights.
The point is that, for those who insist on putting columnists in a blue box or a red one -- a harmful trend that, by the way, too many of my colleagues play into by offering endorsements and becoming partisan cheerleaders -- I can see how some would be tempted to place me on the right side of the aisle.
The still life depicts a blue-and-white vase holding a tight bouquet of yellow flowers atop a tablecloth of deep blue and pink.
Her 2013 pre-fall collection, in stores in July, includes a tailored pantsuit in electric blue with a black-sleeved jacket.
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