In addition to sunlight, the latter offers access to a spacious bluestone terrace overlooking the water.
In 1994 the University of Paris' Lucienne Chatenoud tried treating diabetic mice with Bluestone's antibody.
As much as they're enjoying their new home, the Butlers' favorite feature is across their bluestone courtyard.
Northeastern's Mr Bluestone, a former lineman at Ford, argues that public-sector unions are at a point of decision.
Darvill and Wainwright have discovered extraordinary similarities between the local Bedd Arthur bluestone circle, and the circle at Stonehenge.
He used concrete instead of stone for the patio, and made the patio walls out of faux stone topped with real bluestone.
It was supported by a progressive and far-sighted UAW official, Irv Bluestone.
Barry Bluestone, a dean at Northeastern University in Boston, is the son of a former vice-president of the United Auto Workers (UAW).
Both Waldmann and ucsf diabetes center director Jeffrey Bluestone, who invented the MacroGenics drug, were originally hoping their idea would yield safer organ transplant drugs.
As well as reaching the bluestone sockets, the archaeologists have also unearthed a whole host of other finds as they have peeled back the layers of the 2.5m-by-3.5m (8.2ft-by-11.5ft) trench.
Inside the courtyard, bluestone pavers and grass crisscross on the ground and Italian cypresses, olive trees, rosemary bushes and boxwoods serve as the backdrop to lilies, jasmine, hydrangeas and delphiniums.
Charming bluestone cottages and sandstone bungalows pop out of the green like tropical islands, and depending on the season you might pass magnificently vibrant flower fields in dazzling yellows, deep purples and bright reds.
Better funded schools are able to assemble parts they need quickly using supplies on hand, but the Bluestone team loses precious building time to travel some 30 miles to the nearest large hardware store.
He immediately chatted up Carson's chairman, Stanton Bluestone.