You would short euro futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange or the New York Board of Trade.
The oldest of the EBOTs is Weather Board of Trade LLC of Alpharetta, Ga.
There was, simply, very little reason to question the Board of Trade's wisdom about lifeboat requirements.
WSJ: Chris Berg: The Real Reason for the Tragedy of the Titanic
Dinegar, president of the Washington Board of Trade, of the absence of women on boards.
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In Chicago, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade were evacuated.
At 7:19 A.M at the Chicago Board of Trade Harold Lavender is saying his good mornings.
The Board of Trade followed suit five years later with trading in Treasury-bond futures.
One of his most famous photographs is of dealers at the Chicago Board of Trade.
Still, farmers tend to trust other farmers, and tour forecasts stir markets at the Chicago Board of Trade.
The Board of Trade's online classes draw in people from Chicago to Afghanistan.
Both Duffy and Sprecher were offering stock for the Chicago Board of Trade.
That will make it difficult for the Board of Trade to extract favourable terms on details like fee-sharing arrangements.
ECONOMIST: Chicago��s ancient futures exchanges are showing their age
The exchanges are responding to a link-up between its two biggest rivals, the Chicago Board of Trade and Europe's Eurex.
The responsibility for lifeboats came "entirely practically under the Board of Trade, " as Carlisle described the industry's thinking at the time.
WSJ: Chris Berg: The Real Reason for the Tragedy of the Titanic
Eurex coveted the Board of Trade's biggest contracts, futures on Treasury bonds, which were still rooted in its old-fashioned trading floors.
Mrs Cantor is now working with the Chicago Board of Trade to set up an electronic rival to Cantor's bond exchange.
In 2005, a few months before the Board of Trade went public, Duffy made an unsolicited offer to buy the whole shebang.
The Chicago-based company runs the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and COMEX futures exchanges.
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Lavender, once the head of the Board of Trade's Technology Committee, relies on a computer only occasionally--to endorse a trade, not to make one.
Jack Sandner was playing golf one afternoon when a Board of Trade member approached and prodded him to get the Merc to up its offer.
The pilot revenue-insurance policies have sold briskly, and the Chicago Board of Trade reports that attendance has doubled at its trade shows about marketing tools.
Margaret Beckett, president of the Board of Trade, refused to give up control of the industrial aid and business support services run by her ministry.
"All the buzz in Washington surrounding ethanol indicates that it's going to survive, " says David Lehman, managing director of the Chicago Board of Trade's commodities group.
Growers in the heartland distrust the markets in general and the Chicago Board of Trade in particular often because they have seen a speculative venture go bad.
Grain merchants stepped in to set standards, now that grain from multiple fields was going to be mixed, and they established the Chicago Board of Trade.
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The electronic bond market also has rival bids from Deutsche Boerse as well as the Chicago Board of Trade, data group Thomson and private equity group Carlyle.
The project is the brainchild of Richard Sandor, a former economist with the Chicago Board of Trade, best known for founding the international market in interest-rate derivatives.
There would certainly be no equivalent market in the U.S., though the Merc and Board of Trade could argue that there are plenty of alternatives to using them for traders.
Two years ago, the Chicago Board of Trade introduced an electronic gold futures contract and has parlayed it into a 19% share of the trading in gold futures.