Several Hollywood and Nashville stars boast of converting their huge plush cars to run on ethanol.
Often their Web sites boast of the number of American board-certified physicians on their staffs.
But when Facebook has approximately a fifth of the users MySpace can boast of, how can Yahoo!
Only stars like Cruise, Johnny Depp and Will Smith can boast of that kind of worldwide fame.
Another sector in today's India that can boast of female leadership is technology.
Torquay could now boast of being home to Agatha Christie, the British TV show Fawlty Towers and Jack Tagg.
The sponsors of these funds, unfortunately, often boast of their prowess at investing in hedge funds and other alternatives.
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The authors boast of watching the queen at work, interviewing officials from the royal household and of trawling through archives.
The cutting urban hip-hop of the 1980s she found ugly, like listening to her brothers boast of the women they'd laid.
And while many Western schools boast of their links with Chinese universities, "they happen at such different levels, " Mr. Symonds notes.
Unlike American car makers, who designed their cheap cars to look like Cadillacs, Porsche's creation was to boast of its workaday simplicity.
It's going to two men who boast of their reputations as reformers.
Different combinations of disk and drum brakes can be attached to keep Malibus low-priced and to let Saab boast of serious stopping power.
Farmers "boast of causing shortages and don't care about making the food that Argentine families need for their tables more expensive, " it added.
Other funds have also had a bull market to push them along, but few can boast of a record as stellar as Malabar's.
Delibes' account of the Salcedo's vertical integration of the rabbit-coat industry--How many writers can boast of sustaining interest in a subject like that?
Jordan too can boast of sites of great significance to Christians.
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The iTunes store and Google Play boast of more than 650k and 600k apps, respectively, while there are only 100K available in the Windows Phone Marketplace.
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In fairness, the toughest measures were already in place when he took office, and Mr Howard does have a few reforms of his own to boast of.
Ten years after the outbreak, apartment and office blocks still boast of how many times daily they sanitise lift buttons, hand rails, door knobs and almost all public surfaces.
South Africa remains an extraordinary country with huge mineral reserves, a history of proving the sceptics wrong, plenty of achievements to boast of, and the potential to transform itself.
People used to boast of virgin soils and reliable rains in the Mau and to spice the deal, it was either free or sold at at throw away price.
At last month's Frankfurt motor show almost every big carmaker could boast of new hybrids in the pipeline, some of them plug-ins, and prototype all-electric vehicles were all over the place.
To boast of being immune to the business cycle is a bold claim, and one that others, ranging from chip makers, to mobile-telephone firms and Internet-equipment suppliers, have since come to regret.
His biography on his own website goes on to boast of the lead he has taken in sensible but dull organisations such as the European Movement and the electoral reform group Make Votes Count.
They still boast of their fiscal prudence as a contrast to Mr Bush's recklessness, but worry that fiscal discipline is a less effective rallying cry when, despite huge budget deficits, America's interest rates remain extraordinarily low.
Many schools boast of this capability, but only a handful have the tools to actually connect academia to practice through project-based coursework and active engagement with local business leaders and members of its alumni network who are managing through this change.
Presiding over defence cuts could leave him short of positive achievements to boast of, though the government's decision to enshrine in law the military covenant (the state's duty of care to soldiers and their families) was a small victory for him.